I promised my own Inspector Spacetime skits, here they are!!!
I promised my own Inspector Spacetime skits, here they are!!!
It's not like there ain't a million ways on the intertubes...facebook, youtube...I want to share it, here, too. It's going up, it'll be dumb, hooray!
I've been watching the blu-rays with the kid, and the picture has been amazing, I've been pleased. A New Hope's changes didn't bother me too bad, the NOOO's in Jedi were...well...at least it didn't last a long time. But we watched Episode I the other night, and the kid, 12, laughed at all the cringeworthy moments,…
It's interesting you point out Batman's large resistance to fear, yet it's a central part of his being, either coming from it or inducing it. Has he ever, in a what-if scenero, etc., been offered a green or yellow lantern ring?
Oh it's happening! I've already got silly alternates on classic Who ideas and am formulating a short script now, hopefully I'll have a product by Sunday night.
I know of two red phone boxes here in Tulsa, and my daughter and I are going to film some short spoofs of the eleventh Inspector and submit for the laffies!
This is weep worthy.
I saw this earlier and was immediately reminded of Stargate: Universe.
Yay new shows and all, but I must admit, I was actually let down by the Clone Wars premier last weekend, here's to hoping it picks back up.
Soooo...was he high functioning autistic? Or just a deuchebag?
Hurray, I'm JD Buffington! In the thank you's you have it right, I don't use periods, but in the body you have me as J.B. Buffington...minor quibble, but #corrections, eh?
Well, it's water-based...and slippery. If you have a penis and something slimey/slippery, the leap isn't too great.
Is it because yours keep touching you in inappropriate places?
Are you sure you saw what you thought you saw?
I can actually see the illusion in the sidebar thumbnail better than in the article. But cross-eyed stereoscopy was pretty cool, she looked like she smirked at me when I did it.
Sexiest porcupine ever.
Borg and Nightbreed. Meh. If you're going to really do Hellraiser justice you're gonna need to get super effing twisted. It needs to hurt to look at the cenobites, I remember growing up and thinking of the bits of peeled away flesh, held back by fish hooks and chains. These look too...cool. Silent Hill has better…
Is it just my computer or are the pictures on the Supernatural segment yesterday's Avengers pics?
Girl: Oh, excuse me, are you lost?