J.D. Buffington

As much as I would hate to be relegated to such a status, we hunt animals in order to control their population so as to not harm their local environment. There could be a space-faring version of that. If Goldilocks-zone planets are rare, and there's an intersteller police force patrolling them, they could easily

"Parnell started his demonstration by melting down some pitch, making sure it was evenly mixed, and then pouring it into a funnel. The funnel was sealed at the bottom, to prevent the pitch from flowing right through. It wasn't until 1930 that the seal was removed."

Disney XD has been around for ages, it's their answer to Cartoon Network. Their logo doesn't necessarily look like an emoticon, I always thought it was a sort of "extra Disney" or something, but when you put it that way, it could be Disney SQWEE! for all I know.

I'm not wanting a Dalek GPS Nav, Turn RIIIIIIGGGHHHHHT, Turn LEEEEEEEEEFT!!!

Perhaps, but when I caught Magic on AMC, I couldn't tear away from it, even though I knew I was bored watching it...maybe it was just the WTF'ery of it all.

What with all the barbarian love going 'round, I'm shocked to not see any Edgar Rice Burroughs! Personally I'm a Barsoom and Pellucidar fan, but think, in 1911, John Carter was leaping super high and fighting with super strength, albeit thanks to lesser gravity, though the concepts of enhanced abilities thanks to a

That's a Jar Jar I coulda got behind, he looks all gangster!

Ditto, I'm really supporting this in hopes of getting a full Tennant vampire hunter movie, lol.

I love this from IMDb regarding the movie's profanity:

No, He-Man looks like John Carter. run the eps online about a week after they's SD, but it's watchable.


I thought sinuses served as a sort of resonance chamber to help give us our voice. If you hold your nose it’s a little harder to talk, especially in a way that sounds normal…or am I watching too much Jurassic Park 3?

I like the original 2, but after seeing the Donner Cut (and subsequently making my own cut of the first movie that excludes the time turning), I think I appreciate Donner's vision more. Going back and seeing the original cut, with the cartoon antics of Non, the celaphane S, the, ugh, Super Kiss...I mean, turning back

But will it be like Superman 2, or Superman 2: The Donner Cut? Because there's some pretty big differences. Mainly, one of them is good.

Here's some fan casting, I've always thought the Rock could play a bad ass Ganondorf in a Zelda movie.

Why has there been no upside down cow fetus? For shame.

I know it's a bit of a stretch, but this really jives with what was said in the review of "The Change Up," that we have no FANTASY anymore, that we're supposed to be happy, nay, EXCITED about the mundane daily grind. I keep hoping for an announcement of a return to the Moon, or an asteroid, or give us all

Okay, I'm going to shamelessly self-promote, so bare with me, I've started drawing a comic that I get inspiration, nay, DIRECTION, from my audience on, I've started up some groups through different mediums, Twitter, Facebook, and a blog which chronicles the actual thought process that goes into it.

I absolutely love that quote, the movie is really just a string of great singular moments, but that one, how he SAYS it, I roll every time.