J.D. Buffington

I don't know, the "second" Master was literally a rotting corpse...and his oozy self from the TV seems inherrent to his nature. I'd like to see a stabalized Master myself, though, someone very lethal and cunning, not because he's INSANE and clever, but because he's SMART and clever.

Off topic, I've got no better place to put this, but last night, I thougt: You know who'd play a great new Master in Doctor Who? Brian Cox. He looks kinda like the first guy, he's awesome, he's been on Doctor Who before (voice of the Elder Ood), how do I get this to happen?

I guess I'm just personally used to seeing waist coats, but admittedly I have only seen a handful of older Doctor Who from Netflix.

Jog my memory if I'm failing, but what's with the trenchcoat on the Doctor...Matt Smith channeling a little Tennant?

I was half joking anyway, but if you have to explain the joke then it isn't very funny to begin with, so your malignance is understood.

Is real ALCHEMY? Lead into gold!

The Short Circuit news made both my head and ass hurt...stupified and raped in one fell swoop. Good job, Hollywood.

I get that, but I liked the sort of anti-love story that only the Doctor can pull off. He wants her, he knows she wants him, but he HAS to keep her at bay, there's no way this ever changing immortal can have love in the same we can (which in itself was so sad despite all his villany to see the Master die, the Doctor

"...and they resolved the Rose storyline. Any further delving back into it feels like it cheapens that ending."

Oh, I know it, but Eccleston still serves as the pivot point between old and new Doctor Who, so I really only use him as a point of reference. I'd love for him to come back though, he was pretty cool.

Regarding multiple Doctors, I worry about bringing back pre-Eccleston Doctors, as we saw them "die" at a particular age, and now having an older looking one, just However, Eccleston doesn't look much different today and we never saw McGann change so you could use him forever. But Tennant, and here's

I love love love the tiny blue dragon lazily wrapped around the tree. Reminds me of my cat Devo hanging on the cat tree.

I actually wrote this here about a month and a half ago:

If only these words could have reached (and been absorbed by) my nation's current leaders, especially regarding our "debt crises."

If you want to go out and do parades, dress up. If you want to hand out sandwiches to hobos, dress up. If you want to generally lighten people's spirits and be a humanitarian with some class, dress the fuck up.

Don't worry, I pissed off Brian Lumley e-mail. On the flip side, though, Kevin J Anderson gave me some very insightful, friendly, if not warm, advice on MySpace.

I already own Inglorious Basterds on Blu-ray...what is this?

Tuesday consistantly has too much shit happening.

Not sure who to mail to, not sure if it's already been discussed, but there's a new Ultimate Spider...who is black!

I would love to see that 90's horror comic crossover Marvel did, Midnight Sons? That had both Ghost Riders, Blade, Morbius, some others including that X-Files sort of team the Darkhold Redeemers (god I loved that series), and even had Doctor Strange at one point. But Blade and Ghost Rider are both probably outside