J.D. Buffington

I would watch long as it remains basically a silent film. I love the bat throwing star totem.

Meeeessaaa hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit! Oh, and I really liked Cody calling Yoda "bro" and also "I can see my house from heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeerrrre!" Yeah, there was a lot of LOL worthy stuff, which surprised me, as it started I thought it was gonna be a cute, maybe entirely aimed at younger kids early Saturday AM

So, is there any word on whether or not LEGO Star Wars is a show or was it just this one off last week? I was pleasently surprised both by its visuals and humor. And seriously, now I want to see someone force build a droid from parts they throw into the air, that was probably the coolest slo-mo visual I've seen in a

The sandstorm stuff looks very (wait for it) gritty for Star Wars, perhaps more of the Dune influence shining through?

As wonderful as finding an alien ship would be, I bet it will still be a stranger than fiction find, like perhaps an ancient attempt at a submarine, or a lavarock cap that grew to unprecedented size, or a door that can only be opened from the inside.

Regarding the boat house, I thought it worked. I know it was originally in the Shrieking Shack, perhaps recalling the previous emotional revelations that occurred there (finding out who and what Sirius, Remus, And Wormtail were), but having it in the boathouse, with those glass walls, allowed Harry to SEE what was


I like your style.

Regarding Bond, I was really holding onto hope that Jon Cleese would return as "R," as he was wonderful in his small parts with Pierce Brosnan, especially considering we still have Judi Dench as M. I mean, I understand a new Q, but I REALLY hope they continue to make his contribution humorous.

This. Superb if not too small of a role, I wish he would do more screen acting, but mirroring everyone else, he does do a ton of narration for more "educational" programming.

You know what trailers I LOVED? Robin Williams in that grassy field for Toys. Genious.

This is how I felt about Thor...worked as an episode leading to the Avengers, not so much as a Thor movie. I like Coulson and SHIELD, but how they were used in Iron Man 1, as a a wink and a nod, versus the driving force, was much better handled. Cap LOOKS from the trailers to be focusing more on the hero, but we'll

There's also the old Gor novels that had an alternate Earth on the other side of the sun.

Okay, second Teen Wolf clip's freezeframe? Looked like the girl "sitting" was actually on her hands and knees with the "standing" girl to the right...ahem, tapping that ass, as it were. Cannot unsee. Not so bad.

Sooo, diamonds are skin flakes of vampires? I still prefer my vampires as soulless rapists who explode in sunlight, regardless of the science of that explosion.

Well, I saw the first teaser of Dark Knight Rises with HP7 this weekend...from what I could tell, nothing happening in his description occurred. A beat up/sick Gordon laying in a hospital bed talking presumably to Bruce and/or Batman who is off screen (so, hey, it could be Dent for all I know) about, just a gist, how

To be perfectly honest, the movies almost tell their own independent story from that within the books. And seeing the movies out of order, so long as you understand the good guys from the bad (like it's very hard) you should at least be entertained. Some of the EMOTIONAL impact may be lost, but a neat thing about


Dude! Six pics in, with Oliva and Sam, ZZ TOP IN THE BACKGROUND!!! Surely that counts for something!