Will you come to my house and read to me?
Will you come to my house and read to me?
I can has popcorn scooter to defeat them?
Nicholas Cage looks great as a blonde...wait...whut?
Paul, Duncan, Yueh, Leto, Alia, Irulan all have flipflops (it might be easier to list people who don't switch alliegences), but Paul is who I would really think of, though he wasn't evil per say, but made choices that made people THINK he was evil, if only to prepare them for the hidden enemy indicated at the end of…
The word rad is seriously underused, I'm trying to convince the daughter to use it. I will show her this, because this is pretty friggin' rad.
Is that a World Tree carving behind Hugo in the last picture? Ironic or carefully crafted easter egg?
What IS the best Star Wars novel ever? I want to be an EU fan, but I just never can seem to get around to it. Audiobooks on the ipod maybe...
It's sad because it's true.
Nothing can withstand an argument of this magnitude.
You've got to be kidding...for Captain Obvious Legolas there's no Admiral Obvious in Akbar? Tie fighters zooming around, ships exploding, shit hitting the fan, and "IT'S A TRAP!"
And Lucas approves of Robot Chicken so you know it's true!
She is so beautifully strange...for some reason I think a 70's disco acid trip quasi-futuristic lesbian porn between her and Isabella Rossellini would do me just fine.
I...APPRECIATE...I almost said like, but I don't like, appreciate is more apt...that it is self aware, the 99 sons and 1 daughter, NPH asking how and when they get their names and Brainy just goes onto the next topic completely ignoring the question...kinda funny. Otherwise, it makes me hurt.
The video was very smile inducing, but truely, him throwing the box back up was sheer genius, it was so "here, fuck off." I loved it.
You're all nuts, she can cure cancer and homsexuality with prayer and CO2. Come on December 2012, the Mayans knew what the fuck they were talking about!
That's not a bad drawing at the top. But it's a bad drawing of the characters. I liked it when artists tried to keep a character looking the same even when they took over different books. My particular beef here is of course Logan. Archangel looks weird, too, but I don't know what hell they've put him through…
From a purely lazy reading of it, yeah! lol
I would think, just based on what it sounds like, it lends credence to an Atlantis scenerio, like perhaps Atlantis was on just such a mantel "blister," the volcano popped releasing pressure, Atlantis sank back to the ocean floor from whence the continent came. Surely we would have greater record or would have found…
Okay, may not be a wizard battle PER SAY, but surely a battle of wits with a wizard counts for something, King Arthur versus the Bridge Keeper from Monty Python and the Holy Grail. Greatest call back to a seeming throw away joke plus uber levitation death=win.
Nah, he's average among his own people, so he would only be godlike to a lesser race...the gods still have powers even over each other. Science without explanation is just like magic...or something like that. So a guy in a wheelchair told me.