J.D. Buffington

I like cake.

I must admit I had to look it up, but yes, in fact I'd love to see the Continuum decide humans need to be wiped out and the crew of the Enterprise D saves the day! How do you fight universal annhiliation?

I know a lot of people hate Q. A lot of people being my dad, and if he hates Q, then surely other people hate Q.

I decided against buying Deathly Hallows part 1 because I anticipate something like this. The entire saga in one blu-ray boxset. It's gonna be an expensive christmas.

These are mostly awesome...I'm going to see if I can con(vince) the lady friend to dress our French Country dining room with some select radness.

And since she was aware of whatever that wave was in Generations, she may have some weird timey-wimey foreknowledge and make allusions to both continuties...

No interest in the movie, but, I read "coprophiliac" as "cop-a-feel-iac," and I lol'ed. Would you be terrified of copping a feel on accident? Or having a feel copped of you?

Isn't the Bluetooth wireless technology named after a Viking? I wonder if this is similar to what he did and where he got his name??

Oh, I know I won't get it, but especially after seeing Stewart as MacBeth on that fairly recent PBS modernization, I dared to dream of a gritty war story set on the TNG Enterprise.

On the headline alone, I thought it would have been Whoopi Goldberg.

Oh, Annalee, I HATE these movies with an unfounded "I haven't seen it and won't" mentality, but even I know, the robot species scan the local environment for mobile objects to blend in with their surroundings. Happend in the first movie, happened in the first episodes of G1 and Beast Megatron looked

Someone please title card this RIGHT NOW!!!

I usually post sarcasm/snark/slapstick/pop-culture/meme or ranting tirades, however, this is inspiring, and I could only wish, and would even venture PRAY, that this ancient message finds bearing in our modern world. Regardless of spiritual center and belief, this kind of co-existence between differing peoples is

Hopefully Optimus Primal will save the day.

The Auditore's did it. Or Richard Alpert.

It was awesome, and was several great panels made into VERY short cartoons. If I recall, it was mostly quiet, too.

Personally, I was worried about whether or not they would satisfactorally be able to pull this works in print, yes, but in the film I don't know that you would be able to watch it and not be concerned with how silly they look aged or how differently paced it is to the rest of the story. I think perhaps if

The 90's movie Mimic, about the evolved super cockroach that looks like a trenchcoat bum, has one of the most realistic adventurous kids scene ever recorded: it kills them. I cheered. Yes, kids can be victims, too, Hollywood, and makes the monster actually scary.

Your first sentence...I lol'ed.

I've always thought, ditching the moral of the week and comic relief heavy handedness, that Masters of the Universe could shine. Get on down to NZ and rip the hell off of LotR, make it a reverse Star Wars (Adam/He-Man vs Anakin/Vader), and put some EFFORT into a ripping good fantasy epic. It could totally win! I