J.D. Buffington

One of my all time favs is when Calvin's dad gives him the "evil eye" and he's a giant angry eyeball. Visual hilarity.

No it's all explained quite aptly here:

Yeah, I do, and I appreciate the distinction and how you put it...I just look at their colonies in wonder, especially those giant termite mounds in Africa or South America that seem more "city" like. It's like watching an existential circulatory system or something, there's a brain, immune system, regulation of

I woke up with a clown's hand in my pants. That's how my day started.

The first building looks like a Wii. Maybe that's why they died out...they obsessively loved it at first, but then it collected dust and they forgot how it worked.

@ all of you!

This is most awesome, and I do believe I shall try, among other ominous post-drink slogans.

So, regardless of how the technique was discovered by the ants, it shows some sort of thinking, along the lines of "hey that worked!" When do we start recognizing intelligence in other species? I've always thought ants and bees should be considered intelligent...cities, a governmental and social hierarchy, observable

No, stop, don't discourage that line of thought...think about it man! MALCOLM MCDOWELL AS DWARF CALIGULA!!!

I take it you mean Children of Earth, but it seems to mirror the overall sentiment, it's tonally adult moreso than graphically least what has aired so far. I think watching it with her should be okay. She handled Schindler's List and Saving Private Ryan over the Memorial Day weekend just fine.

That may be part of what spurred my concerns...I thought I had read that somewhere for the new series, and being on Starz, I bet they can get away with even MORE. Hmm...

That's kinda what I was thinking (and hoping). Barely the side of an ass, a few zingers I laughed at but the kid didn't get, but other than an overtly sexual plotline it didn't seem any worse than Sawyer fucking every other girl on Lost and we all watched that together... I just know that sometimes things fly across

First, let me preface by the fact that I'm commenting in an article that I did not read, so bare with me:

Wouldn't this make a better pilot? Perhaps supply a suppliment to military/commercial pilots, fly like migratory birds...that would be a good thing, no? Actually, military applications would be limitless I'd think.

I recall from the documentary that came with the original DVD releases of the OT saga that early story treatments had Anakin STARKILLER find out the evil bounty hunter Boba Fett was his uncle. A lot of things that didn’t make it into the OT were retconned or reused for the PT, as you can see with a fishy alien

That's it, Unlimited. Had to look it up after everyone else's statements. Thanks!

Okay, been out of the comics for LONG time, but I seem to recall the Ultimate series beginning much earlier than 2000...I'm thinking it was late 90's, and the Ultimate mags (which when I first saw them included Spider-Man, the X-Men, and I believe the Punisher) were introduced as annuals or semi-annuals. They were

How many starred commentors are on io9 (let alone ALL commentors, but in keeping with a calculable number)? Surely we can each donate one dollar (or other global denomination of equivalant value) and tag it with our handles and io9 and be a huge contributor right? I'll probably donate anyway because I want to watch

Perhaps it's more widely known, but I suffered what I can only describe as a constant state of Apathy for at least a year after 9/11 (which was shortly followed by my own mother's death, so "intergroup feeling" of national depression, plus personal depression). I wouldn't say I was being dangerously self-destructive,
