J.D. Buffington

That and he was a behemoth of a man, I believed he could take on men and monsters at the same time and wield that big ass sword. It didn't hurt he was Mr. Universe. I don't know, this new dude and current action stars may be just as big and it's all in how it's filmed now, but I miss those giant manly men. I know

Advent Children felt like I was missing the gameplay parts and watching all the cutscenes strung together. I enjoyed it, but it was HIGHLY stylized, even conceptually. Spirits Within, though, when she's floating in zero G and her hair flies across the camera. Shit. I know special effects can be realistic, we have

Very ironical, I'm taking my Dad to see it on Father's Day. YAY!

If you had a very hot, pliable tube of glass, and the tools to manipulate it, and passed one end through its side to make the connection, wouldn't it then still be the original single tube, now made in to a forever loop?

And so on, and so on, and so on...

One word:

As the article states, a lesser disease was used to immunize...who's to say smallpox won't one day save us from something else?

I got into this yesterday with another commentor regarding that article on Cameron and Worthington and a write from the Call of Duty series who only has a "pitch" so far. I would love to take my ideas into the mainstream, the defeatest in me worries about failure, the lazy bum in me doesn't know how to even begin.

SAVE US FROM DIABETES (and fat asses)!!!

Off/on topic: I would wreck Darryl Hannah.

Thank you for the last paragraph. This, along with the gov't saying sunscreen needs better labels seems like nitpicking worrywart talk. I think we have obviously developed habits that aren't really good for you, but the sun has always been there, we as a species grew up under it before we built houses, and there

Totally makes sense. Especially considering one of the car washers at the dealership I worked at years ago totally, unabashidly, undeniably looked like a blonde Neanderthal.

I think this list gives strong evidence to two major points: What was excellent the first time around (Planet of the Apes, Life on Mars, and Highlander) shouldn't be remade, rejiggered, or rebooted, sequels in the same vein, sure, but don't fuck with what worked. The second point being that things told the first

Yes, yes, and you have to ace Potions. Good luck. You'll most likely be hiding behind a curtain the entire time.

Maybe he's playing his own dead body, gets dipped in the Lazerus pools, new guy pops out. Wouldn't that be a weird cameo?

It says 50 HOURS worth of scripts, take that as you will, but I understand it as: they have enough story to tell for at least 2, maybe even three seasons. I see too many shows that don't have enough story to tell for ONE season (cough*Heroes*cough), so perhaps they've ensured themselves they have enough MATERIAL to

I don't pretend to know a goddamned thing, but I've been watching the Universe on Netflix with the kid, and it was talking about the Big Bang theory and the ideas and evidence that support it. And I was wondering, considering that there may have been something "before" if perhaps it wasn't an ancient universe, like

Always glad to meet someone willing, even WANTING to read (so, a heart for you!). to share? I don't see a PM if I click your name's JD Buffington (if I'm gonna be a writer, might as well get use to public acknowledgement) if you, or anyone here for that matter, wants to hit me up on Facebook.

"...because Staples only has the pitch finished."