J.D. Buffington

"Jess attached a print of the engraving to the back of the canvas and put nine layers of paint over a pencil drawing."

Healing factor cannot compensate for gynecomastia.


You know, I've tried to think of a way a Robin could fit in Nolan's Batman universe, and the only thing I could see is some punk kid THINKING he can catch up to and work alongside Batman, but he gets hurt and beaten along the way, and Batman chastises him, telling him he's gonna get killed...and in a moment of

Aliens, man. I'd love practical effects, but Star Wars aliens, the making of masks and costumes, puppeteering, maintenance, digital is probably still cheaper than all that physical stuff. I hate it, but I can make a flipbook cartoon with post-its and a bic pen cheaper than making a stop-motion clay monster.

I don't know that I buy it, as red is all around us, such as fruits and flowers, or even certain conditions at sunset setting the whole sky to variations of red. Yeah, I'm one of those that love red; red, black, & white being my favorite combination of colors. Also I wonder at the concept that while in the uterus,

So, if Hoskins is Smee, does this officially tie to Hook? Because in Hook didn't Tinkerbell raise Peter when he "ran away" from his parents as an infant? I mean, I'll be honest, I only watched the trailer after seeing Bob was in this, as others have stated, he was one of the best parts of a damn good interpretation.

Immature fellatio? HEEEEYYYYOOOOOooooohhh, Chris Hansen.

Shit. :(

Submitted for your approval...

There is...? It shows Bill & Ted coming out of their phone booth, but surrounded by Daleks...

Tension? Therein lies the problem.

It is/was, but at least it was taken care of. It's nice to know that things outside of the norm have an oppurtunity to be loved.

That's it. Horribly sad, yet heartwarming that it had company and was taken care of, instead of brutalized like the animal in this article supposedly was.

I'm sure I've had a shudder before, typically after a particularly long pee, like after a movie, or a long roadtrip pit stop, where I've been holding it for a while. The temp variance sounds about appropriate.

Wasn't there pics and video of a little kitten that suffered cyclopia? It lived for a little while, it had a meal, nursed with a bottle or something by humans, then passed. This looks like that.

No, I like the idea of the one of each left...but none of the animals are recognizable, so that when they interbreed, we get what's alive today! WE ARE ALL MONSTROUS CHIMERA!!!

So do I. A crush even. But alas, she is not interested in men. sad face.

Is it for a Weinerschnizle? I mean, I'd go pretty far...