J.D. Buffington

I know, I realized and kicked myself for how narrowminded that sounded, regardless of weak attempts at humor as I navigated away. I've even held to the notion myself that if it can be imagined, no matter how bizarre, it can therefore exist. So fire breathing penis monsters are sure to stomp me thouroughly for my

Soooo, there WILL be Star Trek aliens, rather than xenomorphs...given similar conditions of course?

Consumer reports did a study a little while ago and showed that almost everything on the market that is designed to be a sun BLOCK, not sun TAN lotion, works. Interestingly, if you have Target stores, their Up and Up store brand was one of the highest ranked in all fields, so, no spending a fortune cause it's a

To me, as far as "modern" werewolf movies go, An American Werewolf in London is it. It was scary, amazing, and hilarious. I remember being absolutely HORRIFIED by the transformation, yet ecstatic with his undead and rotting victims haunting him, the torn up couple happily saying hello in the theater is lol forever.

The first thing I thought of was that the only way you could justify saying there is a disability in lefties is only because the world was built by righties. I've had a lot of left handed friends, and they are just as stupid and just as smart as anyone else, and often how they cope with rightoppression makes me see

The Beast in X3 was about as good as a film version could get, I thought. And fucking Kelsey Grammar!!! They should have got David Hyde Pierce for his human form just to make it...well...perfect. I would have cried.

I thought it was a dead cow calf rotting away and I thought I was gonna get a new chupacabra article, based on the pic alone.

Okay, don't throw anything, I've yet to watch any Torchwood (please note: YET), how closely is it related to Dr. Who? Obviously Jack wouldn't exist without Rose releasing the spirit of the Tardis; do they acknowledge that? Does the Doctor ever come up (or even show up)?

RS: (Slowly points to self) Elrond.

RS: What makes you so special?

You know, I have my feelings about Crystal Skull, it's not as good as the first three, and not being able to top Temple seems like a disappointing feat, but it was after seeing a documentery on US flying saucer projects, and the fear surrounding UFO's in the fifties, that I gained an...APPRECIATION, for what they were

Precisely what I've been wondering...will we get a River as companion series? And I can't help but wonder if they'll show the Doctor give her the sonic before Forest of the Dead?

In regular conversation, whoopty-shit comes up quite a bit. Or if I can't quite understand what someone is saying: She's drunk again...

I love the blueberry ones.

My personally most used one: "I'm hungry (pronounced Ahm own-gree)" from X-Files episode Home. I also quote the shit out of MST3K The Movie. And, more rarely, "If this is justice then I'm a banana!" from Angel Cop anime.

You, Sir (or Madame), get a big fat DUH!

I love the IBM stylizing of HAL. LoL.

I eat a limited number of vegetables, grains, and lentals, but to be fair, not every human in history grew on or near farms. Some lived in arid areas you know, where they probably depended mostly on meat. Wonderful thing being an omnivour. But it's not so much I'm picky, I've eaten everything, I do TRY things, but

I buy it. I've been well over-weight and well-underweight, but never obese nor sickly, currently I'm between 150-160 lbs at 5'8" so I'm healthy. I try not to gorge on junk food and being a "high-taster" that can't force down leafy vegetable to save my life (I literally get nauseus, probably in my head, but it's

Honor system. I believe credit is due where it's due, but money can make enemies of friends. I'd rather be happy with something than angry with nothing. And free merch.