
Also don’t trust dodging apparently. With whatever weird post button press delay they decided to tack on so the game can decide wether you’re dodging or running you’ll be dying a lot even if your reflexes are up to par.

Spoiler Alert: There are a few chests in rooms with roots that have a candle in the corner. It’s a reused room asset. 

I was about to say this, I’ve found several chests at this point in rooms incredibly similar to this one (they’ve even got the candle in the corner so good luck using that as a reference)

People must have been livid over the trailers.

Oh man, the amount of horses I punched after trying to get back into playing that game is staggering.

I’m also probably going to still be picking it up, against my better judgement, just because I have the “fun money” for it and the 10-15 hours of enjoyment I get at the beginning is still worth it. Also, the vague hope that my purchase will someday help fund a new Armored Core.

Like every FromSoftware game (minus Armored Core) I’ve purchased, I have the nagging feeling it’ll still end up going like this for me:

Updated graphics and animations? The horror.

And Dragon Quest

So are they prepping us for NFTs in FFXVI than?

Yooo Rick-aaaayyyyyee

Can’t wait until the reveal of Godzuki and the crew of the Calico.

Yeah no, sending people to jail isn’t a deterrent on future crimes and in fact it actually sets up the incarcerated person to turn from small time offenders into career criminals. We’ve known this for 40 years in America, but people still trot out this tired “jail time stops crime” bullshit.

Same guy who implied Beck was diminishing art, so it checks out.

Yeah there’s a stigma that using reference photos makes you a bad artist, especially from people outside the field. I’ve also seen it with new hires trying to prove themselves, which has caused tasks to either take to long or notes such as “There’s no visible weight to this static leaning body, did you use reference?

professional illustrator/animator here

Hey guys, professional illustrator/animator here, I know I’m inviting the pitchforks and torches with this but I’d like to put out that the vast majority of us (ie artists) use reference material very liberally. It’s a very important facet of our process, and we are trained to use it whenever possible. “Work smarter,

I grew up in Iowa so I only roleplay corn, soy and pork farmers.

The fact that the PC doesn’t go “pew,pew,pew” when you use the finger gun is a let down.