And then there’s me just sitting here wondering what happened to Deep Down.
And then there’s me just sitting here wondering what happened to Deep Down.
Speedrunner put’s a massive amount of time and effort into speedrun and the response is “You’re doing it wrong.”
We were doing research on fencing during production but I hope we got those terms right too hah. Always nice to see it all come together though.
If you think your Google search history is messed up try working on the show. My studio computer will never be the same.
So they just wanted to make him look younger I guess? Not a fan.
This is what happens when you make the subtitles to be read on the computer a foot a half away tops, instead of factoring in people sitting on couches play from 8 feet away.
The first Build Fighters got me back into model making, my backlog on kits is horrendous but worked up to customizing a Gouf at the moment because gunpla is freedom and monoeyes are life.
That Jegan grabbing the Geara Doga so he doesn’t get blown off always gets me. Good guy grunt suit.
I miss those random “Why?”s .. well thats what they sounded like anyways. Dudes the original mumbler.
I think they’re still implementing a bunch of other customization for the other races still. Could be a few more months until we see the last of it show up.
Every time I head outside in Atlanta and see people without masks my heart screams a little bit louder.
Dude you’re grandstanding on a Kotaku article for a complete stranger, with no knowledge about how actual journalism works i.e. asking for comment/clarification before publication.
You’d think they would have just pushed the date back because, I don’t know, Covid-19 Pandemic Lockdowns? Australia was shutdown for almost a month before the thing dropped, I think that’s more then enough time to see the writing on the walls.
If by Milla Jovovich you mean Sasha Zotova, then yes.
Sweet baby space jesus, not Atlantic Station. I work there and that would be a shit show.
As a fellow animator I can not even begin to imagine the hellscape of crunch those guys had to go thru to make that change so quickly. Hopefully they got paid proper OT wages for that shit.
I’ve always hated Horror Movies because most of the scares felt cheap or like they were only included to up the gore factor. That said, The Thing is one of my favorite movies of all time. Something about the tension and the ambiance of the whole thing still draws me in everytime.
Might have been special order, though I do remember the Pizza Ranch or whatever it was in Fort Dodge did put pickles on their cheeseburger pizza.
Indeed, congrats Winnepeg Thrashers.
Don’t be a dick, he’s: