
I think you’d be better served writing an article about the money we handout to the millionaires and billionaires in America if people hoarding cash they don’t rightfully deserve is your thing. 

That’s not ominous, nope, no sir, not at all.

It’s been just over a year, cool your fucking jets. Criminal investigations take fucking time. Think about if we applied this rush it and get it over with mentality to every kind of investigation.

He needs to learn how to properly shape facial hair as well because you are definitely not supposed to shave everything off your face and leave only the hair under your jaw and on your neck. It’s just making his overly plastic face look weirder. 

Restaurants have never been safe places in America.

To be fair by the time an asteroid kills us we’ll have already killed all of the other creatures on the planet thru negligence. 

Ugh, Tumblr. I used to be on that site when I was still going to college for my Illustration Degree. It used to be an easy way to keep up with my favorite freelance/professional artists at the time but most ended up leaving the site when plagiarism and theft become rampant. 

Some places just do the whole acceptance thing weirdly. The animation studio I work at now ended up having a friend who was working there at the time text me and ask me if I would like a job in their Illustration Department. I ended up being sent HR’s phone number and talking to my HR Rep. as she was driving home for

I feel like I lost 5 years of my life traveling down that depressing Gamefaqs rabbit hole but I couldn’t stop myself. I had to see how the dregs of the videogame world were reacting.

Why are they taking an intermission to let us know that Sony publishes games?

Do you think they’re calling it The Quiet Man as some ad hominem for the Orange Cheetos “Silent Majority” bullshit? I mean, they thought it would be awesome to have some emo looking white kid randomly beatup several poc who were apparently just minding their own business? Who is making this game?

Protip for Odogaron, bring Astera Jerky. It cures that bleed instantly.

If they’re going to have some weird shit about “Surviving the Ground” they need to just go ahead and spice it up a bit. Randomly place land mines, scattered around the end zone. Punji stick pits in key receiver route locations, trip lines, anything.

Maybe you should just get MH:Gen then?

This one will have fully functional Character/Palico creation. They only had presets in the Beta but you can definitely find videos on youtube of the character creation options if you’re interested in taking a look.

Gotta watch out for that Black Frost though.

Looks like the Poutine of Australia. I must have this.

I found Papa Johns new slogan, “Papa Johns, our pizza’s are now a literal crime against humanity!”

So it’s a shittier Georgia Tech?

Shit, when did they make crossing the street illegal?