The sensible way to talk to a woman who likes cars is to talk how you normally would to anyone who likes. If it's such an alien concept to you that anyone can like cars, then just don't even bother talking.
They hopped ship before hitting the iceberg...wait wrong story.
The thing about these however, there was a contest linked to them I believe. At the end of all the videos which contained clues linked to the website, if you solved it, you were entered in a drawing where they gave away a Z4. And first place got a mountain bike.
Ive seen that Cheetah print Murcielago before somewhere. Not in person but an image. Nice to learn more about the culture surrounding some of these cars. I could only imagine my face if I saw stuff like this when I was there.
Looks like I have to buy another F1 game aimed at making me cry over lap times. Oh well.
The first and second ones were fun. The one with the Rock?
remember this from gran turismo 2. fun little car
Real spiked bat->spiked bat in video game modeled off real spiked bat-> spiked bat modeled off video game spiked bat modeled off real spiked bat
That took all of 2 seconds
This makes me unconditionally happy
The world isn't ready for the return of the Fox-body 5.0
My god this is great
Excuse me this is the best news graphic mostly because that dog took out four tires and no one thought to stop that from happening earlier
I think the real question is why did they put him on a second flight anyway.
I cant believe this is real life. I'm trying so hard at my desk not to bust out laughing.
Not only is it adorable, but it has a full factory spare and looks cool with it.