
Holy shit, it's the Pissing Preacher (as he is not-so-fondly known over at Free Jinger)!

I've made peace with the fact that Led Zeppelin was made up of degenerates. I'll gladly listen to Dazed and Confused at top volume, but scream "that's my purse, I don't know you!!" if ever in the same physical space with any of them.

I think Taylor and Karlie have established a new upper limit for whiteness... their whole adventure has gotta be at least 8.8 gigahonkies.

I mean, I know this is several hours later, but I am very interested in some nachos.

Whoa, wait. I'm not much of a bible reader here, but weren't Jesus and John the Baptist contemporaries? How could he be both of them?

You missed the best part of the parrot story - he's called 'Hercule'!

But that's not what alimony is for. Alimony is to make up for the loss of income the wife took by being married. Say the woman stayed home full time, worked part time, passed up promotions or took a less demanding job in order to keep house, raise the kids and act like a personal assistant to her husband. Those

Why not? Because if we did rewrite those rules and it caught on, then what you found attractive would not be what everyone else finds attractive anymore and that would scare you? Why do you care what society thinks is attractive, unless you're concerned about being an outlier in what you like?

Right though? I couldn't even bring myself to wear shorts all summer because I'm self conscious about my legs. And what does that say about our society and the way we are taught to perceive ourselves? The fact that this lady has found a way to escape the self-hate we're all taught is amazing.

Her beard looks so soft and luxurious! I wish the rest of my hair looked as good as hers.

I'm OK with Drake and RiRi. I like them as a couple! But then again, I still can't really divorce Drake from Jimmy Brooks, so I'm like still rooting for Drake to be able to play basketball again and get the hot girl.

Howdy, I live in Texas and had an abortion back in November of 2012. First off, I felt and still feel that having that abortion was the best decision for myself and the fetus. I have no remorse because it was done in a humane manner for the fetus and safely/legally for myself. I remember that once it was over...I felt

As a dude, I can say there's no experience more harrowing than someone failing to reward my mediocrity.

The anxiety, sure. The entitlement that led him to believe he has a right to sue over the fact that he was held to the same grading standard as everyone else, no. If a woman in an engineering class decided to skip the whole semester, then fail, then sue over the fact that she was uncomfortable in a room full of guys,

You can choose as well. You can choose not to have sex. You can choose to always wear a condom. You can choose to have sex with post-menopausal women. You can choose to have a vasectomy. You get as much control on the reproduction process as your involvement in it goes. Since women's involvement goes further, they

Just as I cannot decide what medical procedures a man I have sex with has, neither can a man exert that control over a woman.

You seem to have an issue with that.

Not really.

You are advocating men abandoning their children. When a woman has an abortion, there is no child. There are no diapers or groceries to buy.

Everyone has a choice. Men do not get pregnant, so their choices end where there contribution ends.

The law is not going to be changed either to let men not take responsibility for their children (the rest of us are not interested in supporting them for you), or to remove all rights from fathers.