
"Watch out, current nine-year-olds!" Eeewww. If you could be someone's parent, that is TOO OLD in my opinion.

@Vivelafat says Sweep the leg, Johnny.: Apparently these are working out pretty well for him. Why mess with success? Also: I was hoping I would no longer be barraged with insanely sexy images of ZQ, as they cause me to spend the rest of the day pretending that I am on a spaceship. They make my heart hurt for what

@klynb: I really don't know which cities do, and which cities don't have H&Ms, but I feel that every woman has the right to cheap, trendy, often craptastic clothing.

@WorldsMeanestMom: My mini poodle is afraid of bubbles. ...BUBBLES! But once she did manage to get something off of my dresser, which is at least 4 feet high, while she is about 1 foot high. She can fly.

@Skinny lips, killer lashes: Steve Leonard was also on a show called Vets in Practice. I loved it soo very much. He has several brothers as well, and they are all vets. Slightly related, I am studying to become a veterinarian and/or zoologist, so I also feel the love for men who are passionate about animals.

@Wibbles: Milwaukee and Madison have pretty huge hipster and counter-culture populations, so it make sense for Wisconsin to have H&Ms. But you are right, it doesn't make sense for Orlando not to have one.

@Maiden Curly Crown O'Portugues: Yeah, the long hair really did it for me. The 2000-esque spikes, not so much. Too many middle school flash backs.

Has anyone ever seen an anteater run? It seems like it shouldn't exist, and yet it does - and that makes me love Earth. The end.

@MeganGlass 就是一个古代的三明治: I know how you feel. There is a huge (and obnoxious) hipster population where I live, and I live in fear of becoming one of them. At the same time I love horrid tee shirts, and am constantly fighting the desire to clothe myself in the strangest items possible. I may have to embrace the

@McKinleyHighGeek: This is basically reason # 1 on my list of 100 reasons why I should move to Toronto.

I'm (sorta) pro zoo. I don't know if my knowledge of and love for animals would be quite as strong if I hadn't spent so much time at the zoo when I was younger. That said, I think that animals need to be treated fairly. No zoo is going to provide anything like a normal habitat for an animal, unfortunately. But

@takeitasred: The baby has teeth?! Also, a caesarean using fangs would not be sterile, or quick, or possible, as far as I see it.

@Majrhoulihan: Shawn Johnson absolutely deserved to win, IMO. While Melissa and Gilles were very good, they did not have the type of muscular control, isolation, or precision that Shawn had. The only thing Shawn didn't have that they did was the absurdly long limbs of most dancers.

@TinkishDelight: @TinkishDelight: I KNOW, I KNOW, I KNOW!!! But wait, when he tried rapping on Degrassi: TNG, what name did he use? I feel like maybe he called himself Drake there. Way to promote, Aubrey, way to promote. Also: this bio major will always think of male ducks when she hears the word "drake", and

How has nobody mentioned Sarah Plain and Tall? He was definitely a good guy in that one. Actually, it was the first movie I ever saw him in, and when I found out he was supposedly creepy, it blew my little nine year old mind.

@morninggloria: Oh my. I was always afraid that a spider would climb up my butt when I went to "the pits". My parents never indulged my (ridiculous?) fear, but one of the ladies we sometimes went group camping with would make twice daily trips to "the flushies". Oh how we girls delighted in those trips. The toilet

@KiddyKat: The golden ratio seems pretty plausible to me as well. But other than that, I do indeed believe that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. On another note - MacCauley Culkin? Asymmetrical face? Or is that just in my head?

I have no idea how this affects me. I went to three high schools, the first being an all girls Catholic school where everyone was either insanely competitive and secretly falling apart but with fantastic GPA's or laid back, friendly, intelligent, and not psycho. The second HS I went to I did not actually go to. The

@SatyavatiPigeon: Sorry to break it to you, but this is an obituary.

Having suffered from severe chronic depression for eight years (I'm 20), what Merkin says makes a lot of sense to me. No matter how fucked up I got, I was never a cutter, and a depressed teen who does not cut is apparently invisible. Didn't matter that I was pulling my hair out, jabbing myself with pins, not