
But why limit a system to only be as good as a human with human senses? Human senses are far from the best senses on the planet. And on top of that, you don’t need to train a system to recognize every single thing, because that’s not even how our meat brains work- I don’t need my car to recognize a semi that’s fallen

I don’t think Tesla is going to crack cognition any time soon. And not with the current computational hardware on Tesla vehicles.

I’d rather pay $80k for a car with the appropriate redundancies than $40k for a car that can only LARP as self-driving.

Just a point of clarification / definition from the comments: a venture capital firm invests in early-stage, risky “startups”... moon shots that will probably fail, but could change humanity (at least, that’s the purest and most generous definition).

It’s wild that we have this massive business market that literally consists of buying a company and then sucking as much money as possible from them until it dies. Pure vampire capitalism. 

In this truck’s defense, lots of things might appear shorter than advertised, but the key is knowing where to measure from. I’d think many Cybertruck owners know what I’m getting at.

So...also like the BMW X6!

That’s fine, I use Firefox anyway.

The Cybertruck is basically the coupe SUV ie. BMW X6 of pickup trucks. You didn’t buy it for space, utility, off roading, towing, work, ergonomics etc. It is purely a styling exercise.

Coming soon: Trump Kia/Hyundai South Beach

Who is she going to lose the Trumpers to? Their only option is to not vote, and I would expect Haley to be smart enough to whip them into a frenzy over how a second Biden term would destroy the America they “love”.

Maybe. I haven’t seen those polls reported on much, but I believe you. Or maybe I want to believe you. Either way.

I dunno, I think Dump has pretty much all the support he’s ever going to have already, he’s such an abrasive, offensive, self-centered piece of shit you have to be a genuine headcase to like him. And all the crap he’s been spouting lately, wanting to be dictator on day 1 and all that fascist crap, it’s starting to

Maybe you should look into just how much the fossil fuel industry receives in subsidies each and every year.

Herr H was a lot younger than the Orange Menace though, assuming the barrel of toxic sludge misses the 2024 train, he’ll be like 83 the next time ‘round and none the fresher for the experience. Assuming he still lives at that point and his brain still works well enough for him to not stand there and drool on stage,

We’re at a point where we need fucking space aliens to come and save us from ourselves in order to be able to survive the multiple crisis we’re busy creating for ourselves.

If Trump never existed as president and someone wrote a screenplay about a batshit crazy president publicly doing these things, it would get panned as extremely unbelievable. Yet here we are. If I woke up tomorrow and he was in the news for a campaign promise to remove voting rights from women and minorities, it

BothSiders are the worst. It’s the clearest black vs white binary choice in election history. STFU and vote Blue. 

if you’re registered head to a poll (and don’t vote GOP), if you’re eligible and not registerered, register asap. No matter what grief you have with Biden or the dems (and many griefs are legitimate) not voting and not voting dem have short and long term consequences that we can not take lightly. 

I have one. Ultra trim ($50k before incentives). Sucks to see them go under and my car be essentially dead if anything even minor happens to it. But I like the car a lot. The software is at a point now that it’s fine. Not tesla level but it works. I’ll drive it until it dies. It’s comfortable, good looking and that’s