Historical authenticity.... Look, I am all for the womans movement and women being able to do anything a man can, ( well, most things ). But don’t fuck with history. It happened. Don’t fuck my games up with your feminism.
Historical authenticity.... Look, I am all for the womans movement and women being able to do anything a man can, ( well, most things ). But don’t fuck with history. It happened. Don’t fuck my games up with your feminism.
I am calling bullshit. I’ve never seen the site daily stormer till you linked in in your article. And since I generally like your articles, I read the linked article. There was literally nothing NAZI in theme or content, within that article.
wannabe nazi’s? Sheesh...
Prove it. You have accusations without proof. So prove it. I bet you can’t because you are lying to get clicks.
IMO - the biggest threat to black lives in America isn’t systemic racism or the violence in the inner city (although the violence in Chicago is a close second), it’s abortion. More black babies are killed via abortion in America than white babies....... that is a fact. . Just think about it.
Your premise is wrong. Just because somebody supports Trump, it does not make them a racist.
sorry, but when the former head of a terrorist nation state praises you, you’re on the wrong side
I’m sorry, but when the leader of a terrorist nationstate is defending you? You are on the wrong side.
Won’t be buying it anyway so it makes no difference.
rice pilaf most other places... it truly is west coast usa mostly
hot stones
barf... barf... baaaaaaaarf...
And a year goes by. Thalty tears? mmmhmm
Don’t forget racist in your bio. Because you are.
you may be a sceptic here, but if you look at facts, not feelings, but pure facts. Guns aren’t the problem. Our society is. We no longer teach kids how to be good losers. In any competition, there are winners and there are losers. But too many kids today have not been taught how to lose. Strange as it may…
People are the problem, not guns.
The biggest issue is.. who is a Nazi? Is a Nazi a socialist? If so Antifi is Nazi. Do Nazi’s stand for the same things they stood for in the 1930s/40s? If so, the Democrats are Nazi’s. Is a Nazi a conservative? If so, then then half the country are Nazi’s.
Unlike you high highfalutin hoity toities, everybody I personally know loves this show.
The teacher needs to be FIRED!
still funny