In my day... if you had the connect or were the connect for weed, that was it. You were the cool dude/chick. (my day being in the 90s)
In my day... if you had the connect or were the connect for weed, that was it. You were the cool dude/chick. (my day being in the 90s)
Intolerance = progressives.
Virtue signaling at it’s finest. Stop with the hatred. Be tolerant and love your enemies, like you are supposed to.
This shit makes me hate the internet. Guys is universal for people.
Evidence suggests that’s exactly what they want to do. Yell and Rage and Scream
NO! I already pay them directly for the shows. I pay premium. No NO NO!
No, that is not what we believe. We love people of all colors and creeds. Live and let live is the motto most of us have. We do however believe in the rule of law and we also believe in sovereign borders. My grandparents were immigrants. They did it the right way. People who come into this country illegally need…
Really? U want murderers to go free? Shame on you.
Nword Nword Nword..... Negative
How come that when a black man does not bow before the democratic/progressive party, they do everything they can to destroy him? It’s kinda like you’re trying to keep them on the plantation. And to me, that is the epitome of racism.
You folk are such fucking racists. You can’t even see it. My God, how can you live with yourselves?
Oh, she’s a plantation ...... Got it.. FUCKING RACIST PIG
No, because as another said. He’s dead and nobody really cares.
I will never understand how people like you live with yourselves. And by people like you, I mean liberals. You preach a great game. Hell, I believed ya’ll for a good long while. But to preach tolerance and love and then act in pure hatred. The hypocrisy gets to me. I can’t take it anymore. #walkaway
I must have missed that in the shows. Thanks for the info.
You are dead wrong. The more money the earning parent makes, the more money the courts will give to the parent with the kids.
Fahey! We are on opposite sides politically, but damn dude. Sorry to hear about your troubles and best wishes for your future. What you’ve gone through is no joke.
The blatant truth is that the Plastic in the Ocean problem, comes from China and India. Banning straws in SF isn’t going to do a damn thing except drive away business.
What will the title be?
You are a fucking racist.