You do realize that a Democratic Socialist is exactly what a NAZI is, right? It’s just historical fact. Look it up.
You do realize that a Democratic Socialist is exactly what a NAZI is, right? It’s just historical fact. Look it up.
False narrative. The real question is: Why isn’t there more cheese?
It’s already out. It’s called Captain Phillips.
Killing babies is WRONG!
Killing babies is wrong. Just flat out WRONG!
Good. People who kill babies need to be outed.
Daddy’s money
Where was your outrage 8 years ago? I’m not saying that the situation is ideal, but the truth of the matter is that President Obama separated families also and there was ZERO outrage. To exclaim outrage now without acknowledging that is hypocritical. You want change? I want change. You know how you get it? It’s not…
Please read this fact check:
Really? What? The facts make your statement a bald faced lie.
You are the problem. Advocating violence will only give trump another 4
Case in point ^^^^^^
He would hate Trump. He would LOVE Antifa, Maxine Waters, HiLIARy Clinton... You have your facts wrong buddy.
Core Democrat value /fixed.
Maxine Waters is a terrible human being. She advocates violence.
Asked and answered: DON’T!
Actions speak louder than words. Whose actions are fascist? The Brownshirts of Germany? The Blackshirts of Italy? Antifa of America? They all behave the exact same way. Actions people, think about it.
When will people get it through their heads that we want immigration, but immigration done right? This BS of letting illegals cross the border and then praising them for it is stupid.
Although I am not an anti-vaxer, I do think that parents should be given the ability/option to space them out some. Our experience is typical.
Thats a man?