
This is a perfect example of why conservatives want smaller government. Cuz big government can’t do shit right.

Tell that to the mother of the 2 girls raped and killed by ms-13 two weeks ago.

No it’s not.

I am fairly liberal by nature but HEAR HEAR! FRY THE PEDO

she killed a person

Have you ever thought that by trying to make it better, you’re just making it worse? Forcing your ideas on others in order to “help” is just shitty. I’m not saying you’ve done that. But in general, todays world makes private matters, public because of.. clicks? To me, privacy is paramount and every attempt to

The ironic thing is that people like you are the real Nazi’s. You do not allow any sort of thought discussion. That is very fascist.

Do you even know what a Nazi really is? Cuz your behavior, exemplifies it.

Holy shit you are wrong. How wrong can you be?

What a load of bullshit. You clearly don’t put into practice ideas like empathy or compassion or even trying to see things from anothers viewpoint. You’re just another shill for the left. Go away, ok? Seriously. Just go educate yourself.

Nope, not here. People jumping around in bikini’s kill the ww2 game for me. Won’t play, never would.

And you bring up nazi’s as a way to bolster your argument. Of course you did. How about you actually think for a moment. You know, use the brain that god gave you to really empathize for a minute. Put yourself in their shoes..... OMG, you can’t can you? Why? Because the side of empathy and tolerance is the fucking

No, it’s not that. But you don’t want to have a real conversation, do you.

That is the POINT. BF games aren’t COD. Keep it that way.

Really? When people object because history is being revised for “gameplay” that’s racist? That is the definition of racism you want to stand behind?

No, but they do need to be taught to respect your authority. When they constantly challenge because they “feel” something. They need to be taught how to put aside their feelings and obey. After they obey, that’s when it’s time to engage in talk about their feelings. Teaching them how to obey authority (fair or not) is

As much as I want to love this, there was zero gameplay info. It’s a great trailer. Heck, I’d watch a movie with these graphics. But for a game my questions have not been answered. What is the F’n story? What are the ingame graphics like? Is this gonna feel like a FPS or an over the shoulder shooter (the way W3 was

I used to love DQ’s Blizzards. But lately and as proved in your list, most of them nowadays are candy with a wee bit o ice cream. Too much candy! I don’t want, nor do I need the equivalent of 2 snickers bars in a large blizzard. Give me chocolate ice cream with a couple mint ores mashed up inside and that is pure

You really are a bad person, aren’t you? You should never wish that somebody commit suicide. That is pure crassness and quite frankly, a little evil.

it is not sexism, it is just teality