
Wow thanks for the breakdown... ive only ever seen like the first half of the first anime i think? (Blonde chick fighting werewolves or something? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ )

So basically theyre selling us the same game with additional content but charging full price (i assume itll be a full price title... when has it ever not been)

Kinda lame considering ms is giving 4 games

There was a program in the late 90's i used to use called Winmorph (i think.)

Will it be coming to any console?


Now playing

Omg you people are joking right? Its a stylistic choice to make the 3D movie look 2D... not a cost cutting method.

Another nms update and another failed article by kotaku to let me know if it includes new trophies or not.

Yeah luckily the only licensed games my 4yo prefers is lego marvel superheroes, shes also into regular games like sonic forces, pokemon, do-what-you-want open world games and assassins creed (dont you judge me!!)

Yup... made this cuz i was pissed

Lol no... the DMC anime was fucking awesome... did people forget about it? It feels like no one here remembers the anime... like a new Animated DMC is... “new”

Stfu about Goodwill!! Thats my spot!

Fahey didnt show all of the dolls available. Her normal look is definitely available!

Voice Acting is pretty bad too... overall looks like an interesting concept... but... ehhhhhh

I thought it was gonna be Peter and Mr. Stark... oh well.

“Palmdale area has a ton of cool stuff”

Fuck off with your tattoo shaming

How dare you forget Tales of Vesperia. The best tales game that was only on 360 everywhere other than japan (they got a ps3 version)

Im gonna make a video where i use my wifes credit card to buy vbucks, but the card gets declined and i have to call mastercard to see why, and then i ask if i can get 100$ worth, then 50$ worth, then finally ask how much i CAN get, and they tell me i actually owe 3000$ and its already gone to collections, and i

Any added trophies? Why is this never mentioned? Games like Warframe get new trophies with every new update... but NMS didnt get any with its big updates... will it get more trophies with this one?