will be back with John Wick (like my FO4 John Wick!)
why is that shot in the gif so awesome? the way the camera swings around Finn as he Spins around the opposite way... it looks fucking awesome.
ehhh... is there a slider to turn down “unreal engine-ness”
The song i play more than any other in MGSVTPP... i know its Midge’s cover... but god i still love it!
So, youre a Hypocrite or just someone who thinks their online presence matters. so cool dude.... you sure got me! lulz.
hey... okay yeah it is retarded... sorry...
one glance at your post history and nothing you say holds any weight. lol.
aww are we offended by that word? who are you? (ooh yeah... someone using Bae is someone i take to heart... lmao)
not once did i say it makes me angry... i said it bothers me... and then showed why its wrong... what was wrong with that? my post bothered you enough to warrant a response... but i dont sit here and say youre angry.
“get over it”
you must one of the ones who spelled it “Cell” and now feel retarded... i do feel sorry for you... and now.. wow... yeah! im over it! thanks!
R9 290... fuck... i just got my R7 260x....
it still bothers me that people dont know that its called “Cel-Shading.” its not “Cell-Shading.”
you being offended means nothing... you being offended for someone else is actually more offensive than the word itself... so which is it? are you retarded... does the word retard hurt you? does it have power to hurt you? yes? no? if no... you speak for everyone else? everyone has to be offended by it because you…
only puzzle game i ever loved was on mobile: Aurora Feint II: The Arena...
there were a few games that had some really amazing maps.. but i cant think of them right now.
Oh god get over it... Im just gonna keep posting this to everyone getting offended at “retarded”