
i get it... because Ni means Two in japanese!

"EXCLUSIVE" is this generations "4G" (note: 4G wasnt real 4G when introduced)

nope... this is only PS3 and 360 (until the inevitable PS4/XB1/PC Remaster) , Kotaku made a mistake when they said it was PC too... but corrected it.

these people werent protesting... they were straight up rioting... violently. should cops just stand by and not do anything? lets let all the crazy people burn down shit and hurt people... dont put a stop to it or anything.

got it.

out of nowhere? these are the guys who made Dead Nation on PS3... which was isometric... they are just carrying that over to a new "Nation" game... why so mad?

oh man!!! i loved Dead Nation... and now Alienation? so ready for this!

so will i finally be able to play Towerfall online?


"It made the old films possible as well as the action figure line"

im pretty much there... last EA game i purchased was Mass Effect 3 (and 2 and 1) the only other EA game ive bought was Mirrors Edge... everything else was given to me or free with PS+ or GWG

Its like EA and its devs get shittier and shittier every new game... all those features in old games? yeah we cant figure it out in our new one... we'll keep simplifying our new games more and more so we dont have to hire higher paid talent and just pay bottom of the barrel devs to pump out F2P-esque games with HEAVY

Xbox 1

Call of Duty: Advanced DLC


well.. like 4.6 million people played the beta... and people are paying $500+ for the collectors edition on ebay... so its only logical to assume that people are interested in a video game statue/figure... for a game that comes out next month...


yeah im gonna just buy it for PS3... and hope they offer some sort of cross-buy-discount (like AC4) if it comes to PS4 someday... lol.

um... yeah everyone knows that lol.