Ugh. .. I can’t tell you how many OKCupid messages have involved requesting a threesome almost immediately. I had to start preemptively saying “yes I have female roommates, NO they aren’t going to have sex with you!”
Ugh. .. I can’t tell you how many OKCupid messages have involved requesting a threesome almost immediately. I had to start preemptively saying “yes I have female roommates, NO they aren’t going to have sex with you!”
My landlord has in our lease rider that we are required to cover 85% of our floors in “arial rugs”. We figured our options are 1) hang carpet from the ceiling and call it our aerial rugs or 2) cover the apartment in Little Mermaid throws and call them our Ariel rugs
I’ve done it in bathroom lines when I REALLY had to go (like, legit emergency gonna ruin your floors if you don’t let me in). “I’m pregnant and it’s an emergency, please let me go ahead of you!” Are they really going to risk just calling you fat if they don’t believe you?? Tip though, it doesn’t work as well if you…
These are my baby girl, Kira Nerys, and my friends most regal and amazing chihuahua, Titus, who enjoyed riding around on my boobs zipped into my hoodie backstage. Cute dogs ftw!!
If it is a kosher restaurant that serves meat, they won't also serve dairy. You can go to kosher meat restaurants, and they will sometimes use cheese or icecream substitutes...or you can go to a kosher dairy restaurant, that will otherwise be vegetarian. But they have to keep the kitchens and pans and silverware and…
He really missed a branding opportunity here by not naming his cult "10 Things I Love About You"
this was from a kink site, only reason I gave him a shot... Lol! I actually have no desire to be a cougar, but he was real pretty and made me go against my better judgement :-P I have learned my lesson! Also, if there isn't a hole (or other receptive space), you probably aren't supposed to fuck it...YOUTHS!!!
Hahaha! With this guy, when I tried to straddle him he got weirded out because "but now I can't even see my dick anymore!"
I feel mildly better about my recent experience...I hooked up with a 24 year old this weekend (I am 33 now and making baby steps into being a isn't going well). He actually poked at the skin ABOVE my butthole and started giggling and saying "How's it supposed to go in there???" such was his understanding…
And since he didn't get his wish to get televised counseling with his ex-wife, he's doing it with his current girlfriend instead. There just needs to be a worldwide decree that some people are no longer allowed to be in the media ever again...the Gosselin's are definitely at the top of that list!
There is really nothing you can do directly that won't seem condescending. The thing that I have found when dealing with other people who have a lot of internalized body hate (no matter what their size) is I don't allow conversations to focus around it. If diets come up, don't let the conversation linger there...if…
My MIL would toss out negative comments about herself, that were in fact a direct comment on what she didn't like about my body, and wait for me to take the bait and join in the self-disparagement so she could then jump on the criticizing me bandwagon. I learned to just smile and change the subject and not take the…
You read that sentence and you stop and wonder what people think when they first meet you. Does everyone I meet assume I can't be charming and witty and warm? Does the whole world jump to the conclusion I'm some bridge-dwelling troll who can't carry a conversation?
I get "is that what you are wearing" from my mom ALL THE TIME...Followed by, "Do you want to go shopping?" which is the code for "Let's go buy you some clothes I won't be embarrassed to be seen with you in." Also, she is super embarrassed by the G cup chesticles that I inherited from her...any hint of cleavage gets a…
if I actually heard correctly, she requested to be taken off Weekend Update so she could get back into sketches because that's what she enjoys and is more her forte. I was skeptical, seemed like diva behavior, but she has really been wonderful with all her newfound screen time.
Oh dear god...the bad roommate stories I can tell!!
One of my roommates is 19...when I discovered this (back when she was a mere 18) I drank heavily to drown the realization that I could be her mother, and I wouldn't have even been that young of a mom. Most of the time she is fine, but sometimes I remember that I have to train her like a human puppy in the ways of…
There seems to be a disproportionate number of Florida schools on this list. 1) are we surprised? 2) are there even that many rich men in Florida to be able to Daddy these girls? I feel like the Florida guys are most likely strongly overstating their financial capabilities and someone is going to be disappointed!
YES! Last BF would go on and on about how much of a feminist he was and how much he loved strong women and needed to be with an intelligent woman, but whenever I had ideas/desires/thoughts that weren't his, etc. out would come more ragey pout face because I just didn't understand how hard he had it..............and he…