
I really hate this. And here's why. I can still play all my old Nintendo, Sega, SNES ,GameCube, XBOX, and PS2 games. But, will we be able to go back and play these games in ten years when the servers have all been shut off and players can't get connected to the multi-player portion? Some of these games have the

that's not an ostrich egg, right?


well it seems that earth is not safe any more ... TO MARS!!!

I believe i can experience flight.

I love Goku but I really wish he would have stayed dead and the series should have been about his kids

Imagine Galaxy. All that spinning, gravity shifts, flying, and Oh lord the Spring Suit.

Not the bees!!!!

Too bad Nintendo no longer gives a flying f*** about pioneering the best graphics and visual effects anymore.

Are you... are you trying to start a Genesis/SNES flame war in 2014?

SEGA's SVP chip says "hello"

Now playing

SEGA Genesis did not even need super fx chip to kick the snes's ass.

Dear Games Industry,

We're not paying attention to Resident Evil or your "Survival Horror" Genre anymore because you've killed the survival horror genre.

Here's how you're marketing it now:

"Coming this summer, a new chilling chapter in what we are now calling Survival Horror: Fuck Ton Of Guns, Zombie Explosion IV.

This is why I usually keep away from online play entirely. Any game. I guess I'm just getting old since I sure as hell don't remember having that kind of vocabulary at such a young age, to say nothing of using any of it with overt malice. My parents would rightfully have grounded me indefinitely for a lot of this

OOH yeah, somehow I always forget to add Skies of Arcadia, even though its on my top 10 JRPGs.