Can't... stop... looking... Can't... stop... saying... AAaawwwwww!!!!
Can't... stop... looking... Can't... stop... saying... AAaawwwwww!!!!
So... This list covers 95% of all "next gen games out there. And none of them are exclusives, or worth playing on a new system. I will stick with my xbox 360 and wii u thank you very much... And I just plugged my genesis bak, since all of the games today are COD rip-off (and I am sick of first person shooters... Where…
How about this; the rebirth of local (on the same system) multiplayer? Why is this dead!?!?! I would not mind if my game was not 1080p, or if It did not have the BEST GRAPHX IN THE WORLD'!! I Just want to play à fucking adventure game with my girlfriend or à friend on the same friggin' couch for a change!!!
you nearly made me spill my Milk, bravo, sir! Lol
I guess it is time for me to move to the artic parts of Canada, at least White bears will be cute to look at While they tear my flesh apart.
Pretty good list, of course, I would put Piccolo and Vegeta on the #1 spot, but since there can be only one... all hail the Sayan prince!
At first, I was like.. whaa? No Sonic pics? Then I saw... and I loved.
Nic Cage SHOULD be in this game. AAAAAHH!! NOT THE BEES!!!!!
when can I see a video like this for the Genesis? And I know it was less powerful than the Snes, but you cannot deny that It shined quite a few time! Batman & Robin, Virtua Racing, Sonic 3D Blast (for a genesis title, it's amazing, for a Saturn Title, it's.... meh...), Phantasy Star 4 (I know it's not FF6, it's…
you kindda forgot the Tengen version... why does everybody keep forgeting about this game??
Am i crasy to think that dreamcast did not have a tetris on it? It had sega swirl... But tetris? Hum... Help me out guys!
If Nintendo listened to me BEFORE they launched their WiiU (because... I'm a very important.. er... I... My mom says I'm special, that's why!) Anyway! If Nintendo released the WiiU with the 3Ds as the controller, instead of the tablet we have right now, it would have been the best thing they could have done... but…
You know what? This is a great Idea! (Not that I played much of the second one.. I got it because when the third one was released on ps2 back then, I wanted to think that I could have fun with GTA2 on the dreamcast.... silly me! So, if they could make GTA2 in 3d AND on dreamcast, I think it could be awesome! Just for…
But as you probably know, SEGA has a tendency to ignore their "cash cows" (other than Sonic). Why don't we hear about Streets of Rage, Shinning Force (a REAL Shinning force, that is) and Phantasy Star (A normal turn based RPG would be nice)? I dont know if it's because SEGA has no more employees that worked in the 90s…
... On a side note, SEGA? Do you remember Phantasy Star 4? You know, that game you released in 1994, considered one of the best RPGs of the time? Yeah? Well... WERE THE F**** IS IT??????
Of course it would be better to start off with the first, because the whole serie is just one big complete story (epic beyond epic, by the way).. the only thing is that the first three are showing their age.... still great though...