
You and my mom

ah Devon Sawa.. Where is that handsome, talented, humble and likable fellow these days?

-Not to forget how A M E R I C A (fuck yeah!!) comes in and save the whole of damd pacifist coward Europe crippled under Hitler. If it wasn't for us bladi-da-da. I'm so tired of that one. Read some more books please.

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I did not think that I would love this, but I do. My childhood hart was killed by the prequels, but sudently I heard it beat once more. My 12 year self awakens!

yes Will Smith, Hollywood childhood with a dach of Scientology IS good for children. Now, go push them back in front of a microphone, camera or what have you...

Putin Is a danger yes, but as as an outsider, looking in, I'm getting more and more afraid of the future US. The way you'r politics is heading, internal and external, you might loose you'r position in the world, maby exept the cultural. In the not far future, if you'r fasist-like( tea party) politic tendancys,

Bacardy got some splainin' to do..

Your grandchildren with an empty belly and no future, is gona use you'r name as a kurse word. I'm not a dick, just giving you a heads up...

Well, I'm not a scientist, but...

L O O O O V E this to peaces. Back in the days I was on a scooltrip with my baptist scool. They asked us to bring some videos to watch in the buss. I sed i had one with angels, and the fight between good and evil. They poped it in, and was not amused. Got to see it to the end, but boy, did i get the silent treatment

lazy idéa of the day, but if Doug Bradley is out, Doug Jones should be in. His body control and slender features, with a make-up make-over would be sweeeet...

Now playing

Gave you a star for the Green Lantern idea. I'd pay to see that. But this A N D and a robot? I'll pay for that too..

I stil see an opertunety to make this. DC animation and Tim Burton could make it as a Pixar-style animated flic like Disney is doing with Big Hero 6. It could be they'r more adult Incredibles. Put it on Earth 2 or something to get around continuity n'stuff. I'd pay to see that..

while we wait here in Norway, for a confirmation that Slartibartfast indeed made the fjords, it's allways nice to get them nuts from "history"chanel over to preach their gospel.