
Here, in Oslo, the new American Embasy is under construction. I drive by in the weekends on my way out to the hut. In the outskirts of town by the royal guards barracks. The only 3 pictures online is consept art. Looks nice and petite here. It isn't. From what I have seen, if that basement don't get a bowling alley,

You did not spell your name right. It's P a r a s i t e, not parepithe..

My mother's co-worker's sister's driver's friend with benefits ses you are anoying alot of people

When I was about 9, i read an article about her. She was more doll-like in her appearence then, and scared the shit out of me. So life-like back then. but the eyes was never adressed in that way.There has been a lot of tourism, and some moist problems since then, and the coffin has been changed. Might have done done

Now playing

I asked for one sorce, you sed all of them, and not giving one. Just one, and I would be humble, and i wouldsay you where right i must asume your sorce is not scientific. My country has had some of the lead scientists on ice melting on Greenland, Svalbard. the North and South pole over many years. Every study i Have

This woman is a nerd goddess. Even wrote her own supernatural comic(that is quite good) .Who ever she is playing, I am satisfied. So should Marvel be. She gets it...

-and I, kind sir, offer you my thanks

I do not subscribe to Young Mormon Monthly, so I can't check your numbers. Google on the other hand, ses your bullshit numbers is bullshit. I really hope you are just a troll, broke, forced to live in your mama's basement at 22, cuz, job sucked? I pitty you. Read more books. Try one without pictures

1%? 1000 years? Nice clean numbers that sounds like they where pulled right out of your ass. Your sourses? There is not that much cold water you need to change the direction the Golf stream, and the ocean streams control the weather. But also how hot and cold water interact(and then change the sub-surface ice you

Dahmer. The movie about the gay mass murderer. He is good and creepy as fuck

marshall + Boba Fett is as bad-ass you can get a PG-13 movie!

when bigger, bader, more violent tornadoes humps your country becouse of the extra water in sirculation, blame Obama or someting. Thos sciency folk thinks them be so smart cuz them study and shit. Warmest temperature in recorded history? But there be snow on mah porch...

It got better cuz we deported most of the nutcases over seas. and now they are fucking up everywhere exept Europe, under the asumption that they are the leaders of the free world, eaven if they are subjected to as much propanda as old C.C.C.P, and think there is only one way to live. Their's. But i stil love them for

Guess she reminded me of my shildhood road trips..

AAArgh for f##k's sake. Night-shift, and operating on an iphone. And f##k you misleading google search, think you know's it all. But you know what? Reviewing the picture on pad, I don't think I mind the mistake either..

yess... Mitra. You can lock and load me any time. Only reason to watch anything Bay again. I am stil recovering from an early screening of dark side of the moon. Epilepsy-like symptoms

I once dumped my then girlfriend a few weeks into our relationship, when she told me she soon was starting her homeopath education. She tryed to sell me "that logic", and I thougt, no matter how hard the sparks flew in and out of bed, I could newer look my self in the mirror with a shred of self respect, if I didn't

Good one, but I'd rather go full on Hulk-Busters. That would give more Mark Ruffalo, AND Hulk. And matthew mcconaughey wold kill it as a full of him self Doc Samson. Do you hear me Joss?