
nope. That is just Satan fooling you. It's actually 7645 years old, next month. Cos my branch of Jesus-looovin' is always right, and you wil burn in hell between the baptists an mormons for your bad math

There was a big flood. Or rather a sunami from one of the mediteranian volcanos. The Dead sea was mutch lower and with fresh water. They have found fresh water fossils and human settlements way below the surface. But no devine intervention or all over the world. The spagetti monster was ocupied making rainbows that

There is a place in Berlin where you are led in to total darkness and served by blind waiters, and you have no clue what you are being served. Friend (a cook) of mine dined there, and the experiance made him rethink his whole understanding of food. His food now looks sooo mutch better

I really hope this movie(cos this looks like my kind of movie) is sooo god that I don't get distracted by the audition for girlfriend/in the closet/ coach-jumping/psykiatry is bad for you m'kay/vulcano-aliens in your system/L-Ron cured my dyslexia/Patric Bateman persona

Never thought about the conection/evolution from Parliament to Living Color(love that band), but the more I think about it, the more it make sense. When I was younger I allways did wonder why there was so few colored bands in rock. Then I lerned about how the soul and blues artists was treated in the U.S. They had to

go funk your self

On the other hand (though im an Euro-honkie), I love the way they dared to think big and devercefy the roles given to the black community. Black man in space, black man in the Oval Office. Pure Sci-fi in the mid 70's;)

Finally found mothership connection on LP 3 days ago. This article is a sign. I'm goin' down to chocolate city and tear the roof of that sucker Dr. Funkenstein and all of his clones. Testify!

the opinion turned in Norway after we saw the corruption of the IOC on top form working with corrupt Russia. Old fasist roots and fishy bussiness has bin well known like allways, but newer on display at this scale. If Norway compete for the olympics, some of the slopes and arenas of Lillehammer wil be reused/refitted,

Sometimes, sad to say, from the outside....

that is sooo low. I do not know who did what to you when, but that is not feminism, that's bitter hatred. I'm a male feminist fighting for a better world for my young baby girl, make a difference. You do not comunicate, you provocate

as a male feminist in maby the worlds most equal country (Norway), and not least father of an 8 months old girl, I am apawld by what has happend. No woman should be afraid to go out and be free to do what she wants. As a health worker handling a lot of psykiatric people, I know that Asbergers cant be blamed for this,

You ment really cleavage, right?

-singing 'in the heat of the morning, in the shadows I'll clip your wings' Best dream scenario de lux ewwwer! I'd pay top dollar for that

If he was alive, Rodney dangerfield would be perfect as the voice of a robot side-kick. But him as ROCKET RACOON! would be the b e s t c a s t n g e v e r

Hump that shit! Give me the long lost longship of Leiv Erikson, not the pram of a diletant..

prove me wrong...

Do'nt forget the posibility that Nazi-loving grandpa Bush had a little more luck. And inspired by Nazi Germanys quick recovery after ww1, wanted by the help of Heinz and Colgate amongst other companyes, tried to get Roosevelt and his new deal out of the White House fast with the help of the military. Now consider a

There is a theory that Odin was a warrior king from somewhere arround the black sea, that moved north with his tribe that rooled in Denmark. The town named Odense means "Odins place". The myth of the king and leader might have been mixed over time with the oral storys of the patron god