Honorable mention: the wiring diagram for the Dodge Valiant that Jason was good enough to include is the wiring diagram for the entire vehicle! It’s probably simpler than, say, a power seat switch circuit for a current Mercedes.
Honorable mention: the wiring diagram for the Dodge Valiant that Jason was good enough to include is the wiring diagram for the entire vehicle! It’s probably simpler than, say, a power seat switch circuit for a current Mercedes.
Who would ever ever ever ever ever take $0 for a trade? How in anyone’s mind does that make sense? $500, sure, I’ve seen that and it can make sense in some situations. But nothing? Like literally this is worse than just giving the car away or leaving it in a parking lot with the keys in the door.
TL;DR: Being a sucker doesn’t mean you can sue someone.
Honestly I’m most surprised that VajazzleMcDildertits managed to make it out of Costco having only spent $100
I think I speak for all of us when I say thank fucking god.
Some time in late January 2014, in the middle of a blizzard, I was driving over the old Kosciuszko Bridge in my Saturn Ion when someone clipped me from behind, my car turned sideways, and I ran head first into a wall. No one was hurt, but my car was totaled.
The comedy of it all is claiming that the 25-year exemption for emissions and safety regulations is to keep unsafe, “dirty” cars out.
Have you seen the MSRP on minivans these days?
Teens are really stupid, they really are.
The stats on teen crash and fatality rates are staggering, even if a teen never gets into a major accident it seems they are more likely to do something dumb or careless and have minor damage that wouldn’t be a big deal on a cheap used car, but on a lease could cost the parent thousands.
I have three coworkers who have leased their teens cars. One did the Cruze lease (son wrecked it; had to get another), another an Elantra (daughter hated driving a Hyundai; is spoiled brat; drove mom’s BMW to school) and the third a new Civic (daughter wrecked it two days later).
Feel the rhythm, feel the rhyme!
I gotta ask...ya did all that to work on a Neon?
2001 Audi S4 = $2,000
I think technology may have improved in the last 41 years.
More like Digital Suicide, amirite?
Nah it needs to be the other way around, nerf tank offense. Reason is because if it stays as is, but offense gets a buff they’ll still die too quickly by tanks. Tanks should struggle to get kills.
That was just irritating chaos. The rounds went on for like 20+ mins
So far my favorite was the one where it was locked to Pharah/Mercy, with quick charging boosts and slow charging ults.
Really forced you to learn how to fly.