
@leGodt: wow. I've been saying this for years... Even today, 7 years later the cgi from the first movie still trounces so many movies coming out today.

notice is hereby given that all posters created from now on MUST use every typestyle in the Helvetica Neue family.

@BDR529: haha, same here for my store! I still have the glow-in-the-dark certificate somewhere... Though I hate to say it, but I lost my card 3 months into my year. But I didn't care really, I just wanted to win :)

Um... I still STILL have yet to see an actual press release on this. I remember this story popping up a few times in the past.

@Jimmy From The Block: well to clarify even further, PNG files are useful in that they can display transparency on the web. JPEG's cannot without a clipping path (which makes the file size even larger).

I need to move.

@JakeMG: Ω Man: don't get me wrong, I'm definitely more of a microbrew guy, but I have to say blue moon is my normal day kind of beer. Every now and then I'll splurge and buy Abita's IPA or arrogant bastard if the store has it...

@JakeMG: Ω Man: I had the same reaction when I saw blue moon being sold in a can.

I just got chills. Goodness that's creepy.

I expected this to be lame... it turned out to be amazing...

now I have to pee

it's like a thinkgeek April fools joke came true!

@ThreeOneFive: Hey, if 2012 turns out like the movie, that whaling ship will be my go-to spot...

said to be by the end of 2012

Gahddaum I love a good nerdy bitch fight! They should take "Real Housewives" and replace the housewives with scientists.
