
I think there is an intelligent conversation to be made here. OP's question, while ignorant and perhaps off-base, to me, seemed like an honest question coming from someone who could never really know what vibrator dependency even MEANS let alone what its effects are to a woman. It's the old misogynistic notion of "oh

... I feel like I'm being trolled. But I'll bite.

Yes, you're right. We men should stay far, FAR away from conversations about how/why women can't achieve orgasm. It's not our place.

"You mean your shoes LIGHT UP? Those are like baby shoes!"

That actually made my day

You mean every other MMO out there that isn't WoW... by like, miles and miles?


I bought a wii and the 3ds on day one and feel just a little burned honestly. Enough to be skeptical about the WiiU. BUT this comment made me excited again.

Hmmm. My cover photo is pretty colorful and complex and I'm not sure I like the fact they need to use a black gradient to make the reverse text legible. Good design rule of thumb is to use reverse text when it fits naturally into the design, not force it with a gradient.

It looks like it was just sitting on her lap and fed up her dress in case there were any wide shots... which there was... luckily. :3

I wonder if we've even scratched the surface of the science of psychology. It seems to me that we truly do not know the half of the reasoning behind individual human emotion, thought, and behavior.

Yep, certain states have crazzzzy tobacco & alcohol taxes.

Seems like changing the iphone aspect ratio is long overdue. When every other screen around me is in a widescreen format, the iphone just seems antiquated.

I've run into that too actually. Helps to have a few mixes on hand. It keeps the bpm steady so it helps with the pacing. I usually go for something a little less intense at times, like an older LTJ Bukem mix. It's a slower bpm and it's always very tight. But if I need to keep my pace up I'll play a newer mix. But

Now playing

180bpm you say? Might I suggest some drum n bass?

That is the weirdest line to go out on... seriously.

There's always a storm coming...


At least if there's a revolt and a citizen finagles the gun from the soldier, the soldier will have a pretty difficult time running away.

North Korea you cray