I'd watch it as an animated gif
I'd watch it as an animated gif
I think this has presented Gizmodo with the opportunity to write an article explaining how movie/tv/game fps work. Judging by the comments, there are a lot of confused people out there.
I just bought a few of these for my brew-in-law for his birthday because of this post as he's a Sriracha addict like me.
"Sriracha" and "disgusting" have no business being in the same sentence. It goes perfectly with every food. It's science.
I have to admit, I don't remember ever thinking "I wish this gradient followed the path." But I definitely look forward to using it.
When CS10 comes out we will have achieved the uncanny valley of fake pixels indistinguishable from real pixels.
lol that it took THIS LONG for illustrator to implement the ability to make gradient strokes. Seriously, boggled my mind for YEARS that this hadn't happened yet when Indesign was able to do it since CS2.
Christ this guy is stupid talented.
I hadn't see that one before either, but yeah, holy crap that needs to be in that list up there asap.
Well, once upon a time, when the album Beaucoup Fish by Underworld came out, I was signing up for some website. When it came time to pick a handle, this is the song that was on at the time (the x# thing is just something my friends and I put at the end of our handles in high school for some reason). It kinda stuck…
True. Though I was just reflecting on my experience of pumping quarters into Killer Instinct back in the day and having this done to me for the first time by a dude playing with Cinder. This is exactly how I felt.
The 7 Stages of Experiencing An Infinite Combo
That would be my guess, or you can just screen it out with a transparency filter. Biggest giveaway was how completely off the perspective was of the midnight opening text.
Being a former band nerd and musician, drums can be just as complex if not more so than the other other instruments, but theoretically speaking, both of these guys are beasts. Even if this is a "montage", the skill it took to arrange this thing, then record all the parts perfectly and get everything in the right keys,…
*flips desk*
But if you had watched it you'd see the 4-way split screen goes away and they end up doing some pretty cool visuals with the individual videos. The metroid prime portion was pretty sweet...
So David will willingly do things that are unethical, can think on his own, and the things that make him cry buckets are things every human is capable of? WHAT COULD POSSIBLY GO WRONG?
oh, and Accordion... FREAKING ACCORDION ffs
you can't be serious...
OK whoever complains about this video in the comments needs to immediately go out and learn guitar, bass, keyboard, pan flute, xylophone, bongos, tinwhistle, ukulele and uh... kazoo, and then upload a video better than this one.