
$1 is pretty cheap in my opinion! In Minneapolis I think many meters are two dollars an hour (but I could be wrong about that). It rustles my jimmies when the meter charges in 12 minute increments, and each 12 minutes is a quarter.

I moved to Los Angeles after living in Minnesota my whole life. While I like the temperatures in California more, the monotonous nine months of dry, cloudless days wears on you. Also, I’ve only heard thunder once in the two and a half years I’ve been here. I miss thunder.

I've never heard of jumping the broom but a quick glance at Wikipedia says it's an old British/Welsh custom?? Sounds like some hipster BS but I'm not seeing what's appropriative about a white couple doing it?

you mean 1024, unless you’re missing a finger :)

Yep, Rey gets dumped on and Anakin is universally celebrated as a highlight of the series.

I feel like the reason people say “it’s not my choice!” or hide the fact that they get help from their parents is because we all couch financial help of that sort as a moral failure nearly on par with racism itself.

The subtext of this article, or at least what I think a lot of people are reading from this article, is

Liking a book or an author doesn’t mean you condone the failures of the era in which it was written. Or are you suggesting we only enjoy Gregorian era works that directly confront the ills of the time?

I found that most of the stress of this challenge came from the sound. I muted my TV and simply sat in a vacant, zen like state while I waited for the screen to flash so I could hit X to dodge. It made the 200 dodge challenge much easier.

I came to this comment section hoping someone from Minneapolis would post a picture of the stone arch bridge :)

I have a mid 2011 MBP with 4gb RAM. Chrome annihilates that computer. :(

I was like 15. I got all 120 stars over summer break, then on the first day of school our English teacher had everyone in the class go around and say what their proudest moment was. Since the 120 star achievement was still so recent, I said that it was my proudest moment. The teacher’s face visibly fell with


Can someone explain to me (a person who doesn’t read comics) how his casting is inaccurate to the comics? Is it just that the character is white in the comics and thus MUST be white in the movie adaptation? We all survived having Nick Fury cast as a black man, so we should be able to do the same here.

Um, yes. Do you think the rest area bathroom is using separate, dirtier pipes to deliver its water? Is rest area bathroom water poisonous? Do you not wash your hands after using the rest area bathroom?

Cool video. I grew up in Minnesota but never saw Lake Superior in the spring. From what I remember the lake is plenty cold even in the hottest months of summer, how much worse can a little ice floating around make it? ;)

I barely ever cook for myself so this might be a dumb question, but.. two cups of rice in one meal? Isn’t that a ton? Or are we talking two cups of COOKED rice? Boiling two cups of dried rice and eating it in one meal would make me hurl.

These are incredible. I wish I could see what the ice and cracks look like from a human perspective on the ground. Especially with the last one in Lake Winnipegosis, the ice appears so clean and the cracks so prominent.

I lived in Minneapolis forever and never knew this!

This also reinforces that obnoxious trope that men are only capable of being motivated by sex. Because, of course, that's all men ever think about.