
There’s a special place in hell for Bob Woodward and Maggie Haberman.

Elon says a lot of shit that SOUNDS scientific and is believable to any average person, but to anyone who actually knows what they’re talking about in that particular field it is complete nonsense. It’s only recently that we’ve heard enough from the people who know what they’re talking about in various fields to

A cache is a certain item (or items) kept in a hidden/secret space.

Nothing at all wrong with that. It’s just like real voting - even if your preferred candidate has zero chance of winning the race (maybe they’re a Republican in a blue district, or a Democrat in a red district, or a third pary in any district) - at least you expressed your preference and aren’t supporting something

Of course it’s gambling. Gambling involves risking something of value (usually money) with the hope of obtaining something of greater value, but more often than not ending up with nothing of value. Just because you personally prefer sports betting and horse betting to in-game loot boxes doesn’t mean the latter isn’t

They do vote with their wallets. Which is why EA and other game companies can continuously expand these microtransactions despite the complaints.

The truly, obscenely wealthy will NEVER tell you how much money they have. The fact that Trump always brags about his wealth shows that it’s mostly BS.

dedicated her life to public service

Depends on the game. For a game like FIFA, it can be worth it because international soccer’s system of promotion and relegation means different clubs are in the leagues each year, even if the gameplay is not substantially different. For other sports, it really depends on whether you play online, where the majority of

among the most pro-labor Republicans in the U.S. Senate

Sadly, there is a 72.9% chance that somebody is Nate Silver and the somewhere is TwiX. He’s spent the last month whining about the media not focusing more on Biden’s age.

That post was easily the best thing to come out of the whole NFT grift.

I felt like I was taking crazy pills every time I saw one of those crypto bros cry on Twitter about getting scammed out of their apes that were worth hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Even when looking at 8,850 brand-name, top NFT collections like CryptoPunks, 18 percent of them now have a $0 floor price, and 41 percent are worth between $5 and $100, “which may signal a lack of perceived value among these digital assets,” dappGambl surmises.

While Jason and Travis are famously brothers who are both very good at catching a ball (err, I think??)

Woman who got divorced because she was banging her CrossFit trainer calls for decorum. Film at 11.

Hopefully Elongated Muskrat goes forward with his plan to charge all TSMSFKAT users a monthly fee, then most people will leave and all that will be left are the Nazis and crypto bots, and “news” reporters can finally stop churning out articles about what the Twitterati are big mad about this week.

Honestly virtually all of Weird Al’s videos are better than those of the songs they parody.

Musk responded on TSMSFKAT* to someone sharing the anecdote about him asking Heard to cosplay as the character by sharing a photo of her in the costume. So yeah, he thinks it makes him awesome.

Evangelical voters in Iowa, who value marriage and children