
AW MAN! The original Bionicles! I think that's when I had fallen in love with LEGO and truly appreciated what LEGO did as a company. I will never forget getting Tahu while at Disney Land, even though he wasn't a Disney souvenir. :P
I also can't find my Gali's mask. Sad day.

There's a difference between being historically accurate and using a historical setting. Red Dead Redemption and Assassin's Creed both use the setting, that setting comes with certain realities; you won't get to shoot a laser gun, nobody will be talking about what is on TV and yes, physical violence against those

thats an incredibly sexist approach, same as the NAACP is racist though and that gets a pass

She's not off base with the Absolution reference. There's no question that women are objectified in that game. Big time. More than in the others, even. That's not an isolated incident.

I think that's definitely part of it. Anita doesn't strike me as someone who plays games or even digests them in any meaningful ways - she just looks for surface-level examples, cries out sexism and moves on, as if that's actually enough for an argument.

The more I watch this, the more I think she's cherrypicking in very dishonest fashion. She wants to use Dragon Age, Far Cry 3 and Red Dead Redemption as examples of violence being done to "helpless" women for narrative shock value (dog kicking trope) and involving sexual objectification.

Seeing scenes from GTA V, Assassin's Creed II , Far Cry 3, The Witcher, Red Dead Redemption and other games stacked one after the other does highlight how prevalent this device is in AAA video games writing.



Want to know what is even worse? A whole generation of people claiming that cultural objects are inert dead things that somehow are produced in a cultural vacuum, with those same people telling everybody "you're reading too much into it," ie the end of critical discourse

Oh no! Somebody is critiquing your video games! You're so oppressed! Won't somebody think of the marginalized gamer?

Or if you go back in your hole and play your games with little to no thought and let the rest of the thinking world do our thing out here.

Actually I'm pretty sure plenty of men in the industry get death threats, it's just not news. I'd be surprised if Casey Hudson didn't after Mass Effect 3, I'm sure the people who make CoD get them all the time. But they aren't living and dying off of publicity, so it doesn't get trumpeted to the news every time

I don't think you can discount the contribution bad writing has to this. A lot of stuff is just because game writers aren't paid as much, don't get as famous, and so, obviously, just aren't as good.

"No women gave a fuck about gaming pre 2005"


... Hah. Now I'm just sad :(

In Japan, the anime/manga style of drawing people is the default way, given how everybody has grown up with it - whether it is children's drawings, school textbooks, or public safety billboards, you won't see people drawn any other way.

Guy watched Kill La Kill but skipped JOJO... Man that's rough.

Goddammit, Japan.

Making some dudes' faces into Kiss is something a lot of us have done, probably.

Well what did fans expect?