
because Nintendo is primary (read: only) a video game company, they can't really afford to sell their systems at a loss like Sony and Microsoft (who have a bunch of other divisions that can make up for losses in the video game division). Microsoft and Sony sell their consoles at a loss and make it up through software,

Little king's story and Boy and his blob are a couple more games I would offer up. Also (one of my personal favorite games for the wii) Red Steel 2

Make that 3 - the 3DS has destroyed even many of Nintendo's previous records with the DS, but it had exactly the same issues with people speculating about it before it released

shhh! It's not cool to like Nintendo or Nintendo systems, remember? The Wii clearly failed miserably and sold next to nothing, and nothing but shovelware came out on it.

but that involves figuring out which games I didn't REALLY want to buy... that's too much work :P

Want me to go grab some popcorn?

If we got that, then I'd also like to see a feature that shows me how much money I've spent on games that I wasn't really planning on getting, but got anyway because they were on sale #impulsebuyerhere

YES! Now I'm incredibly excited for this

I would give anything for a remake of World of Illusion (which I like better than Castle, but that might be nostalgia talking). Do we know if Epic Mickey 2 will have co-op like world did?

I did.

gotta ask, since when was kojima one of nintendo's "most important developers"? Hell, has he worked on a game for the Nintendo since the Gamecube? And does that even really count, since it was a port of a playstation game in the first place?

When I was this kid's age (assuming he's about 10), I was writing a persuasive essay to my dad about why I should be allowed to buy myself a video game system. :P Hell, actually, I was a couple years younger.

I'm at Rochester Institute of Technology, in the Game Design program. We do actually do a co-op program, so I know I'll get some networking that way. I want to find out other ways to network too as well. Thanks for the advice

Mario vs. Donkey Kong. Or do you mean a main mario game?

Isn't jousting, like, the official sport of Maryland or something ridiculous?

I thought that the swordplay in Red Steel 2 was great. Can anyone else think of some less known games that had good first person melee combat?

What's the best way for a college student going into game design to network and find internships?

Nah. The only reason it worked here is because it's Tim Schafer. People know to expect a damn good game from him. I doubt many (if any) other people could do something like this and pull it off successfully.

Slag 3 seems to have at least a few slots open most of the time. Though I usually play TF2 at about midnight (eastern) if I do play, so that might have something to do with it...

Didn't that get fixed?