Or should just wait for Xenoblade to come out here in the US? Because, you know, it actually got a release date?
Or should just wait for Xenoblade to come out here in the US? Because, you know, it actually got a release date?
And this one is my favorite :D
Might I add to that list Red Steel 2?
as vintage said... Wow, you missed out on a looooot of games. So sorry for you.
Didn't go to bed. Just trying to figure out how to respond to your comment. (I figured it out) I wasn't saying anything about WHY people were hating on the 3DS. I agree, it was overpriced - hell, even nintendo admitted that they thought they could get away with a higher price than they originally planned. I just find…
I still don't understand this irrational hatred for Nintendo that so many "gamers" harbor. It's like the entire company slept with their mother then killed their dog or something
exactly. Competition is nice, but it's because it's great for the consumers (THAT'S US, GUYS!) since we don't have to stick to just one brand
yeah, I'm finding it hilarious to be going through these comments with people saying stuff like "it's only the second week! Give it time".... While a lot of the same people were saying that the fact that the 3DS wasn't selling shit loads by the same time meant that Nintendo was going the way of Sega XD
If you even slightly enjoy strategy RPGs, I would suggest Ghost Recon. And don't worry about new games. We've already got several big ones that are supposed to be out by the end of Q1 this year (specifically, Resident Evil: Revelations, Snake Eater 3D, and Kid Icarus).
Fair point. I found out about it over on EQD a few months back. It seems like over the summer, the fandom just exploded with a ton of new stuff
If they were to make it look like something out of Madhouse, I'd rather they made it look like Trigun. Everything about Claymore (especially the way that the characters and environments looked) seemed incredibly bland and generic to me :P
while I can see your point, it sounds like Activision was really jumping to conclusions on this. Especially since he seems to not have had any part in the hacking of the thing - he just wanted to figure out how they worked out of curiosity. I dunno. Maybe I'm taking what he said at face value too much. But from what…
I'm quite surprised that you didn't know about it.
hey now - the Pokemon Trading Card Game video game on the GBC was AMAZING. Hell, it did things that some card game video games still don't do to this day, like letting you build your own deck -looks at Duels of the Planeswalkers-
did you read his letter back to Activision? According to him, it was only on his website for temporary storage, and no one actually knew it was there
I wouldn't say that all of the blame can be placed on Paul, actually. Yes, he's a complete asshole who doesn't know how to keep his mouth shut. But N-Control's former PR company (I believe they were called HAND Inc. or something like that), actually warned N-Control about Paul when he was originally hired, then…
well, based on his actions so far... he clearly has no idea how to actually do PR stuff :P
maybe. Though they did have an actual PR firm cut ties with them after warning N-Control repeatedly about hiring Paul. :P So it's not like they hadn't been warned at all...
Sweetie Belle-ception?! O.o
I assume he's using the ponify app. Which I still need to download onto my computer