

We visited the elderly relatives in FL the week before Christmas and exchanged gifts on the 19th. Flights were cheap and airport lines were short.

The sooner scooters are no longer a thing, the better.

When did beta testing stop being a thing?

 I can’t wait for my favorite YouTubers to show the “string theory” connecting Go-Bots to the MCU and all the weird attachments in-between!

It’s super “hardcore” to be a thin-skinned whining man baby. 

He’s got more money than any one person can fathom and he still can’t buy his daughter’s love.

I have ate as many of these as I possibly could during every return of them. They are my mcrib. To the point that I am wondering how it keeps getting forgotten (the press releases last time around also ignored it, claiming it had been six years at the time) that in 2018 they did just this exact kind of premium chicken

The thought of Musk getting thousands of requests he has to personally vet makes me smile.

Not poison, just far more likely to carry things like salmonella & campylobacter than anything else we eat.

Objectively, pretty much every food media outlet that’s tested jarred pasta sauce has said that Rao’s is head and shoulders better than any other brand. My own experience bears this out. Bertoli is shit. Raos actually tastes good. Very good. There’s no point to running a comparison with anything besides Raos. Truly. 

Yes!  Absolutely.  Love BBQ, love rauchbier.

I’ve only had Rauchbier in Bamberg, and it paired perfectly with Schweinshaxe, so I can imagine it goes very well with BBQ too.

Absolutely agree - haven’t done that in a while but I am now remembering how good a pairing that was. 

I remember everyone going nuts over the cover mechanics in the first Gears of War and thinking “guys, Kill.Switch did this already.”

All those images of taking cover and popping shots reminds me....Kill.Switch was a damn fine and innovative game.

This wasn't common knowledge? 

I’d bet more that it was part of something that was scrapped like a lot of things. 

Victim shaming because in the heat of the moment after being robbed twice, the dude didn’t say exactly what you expected. He could have meant a number of things with that comment. Good prices = more turnaround/more trading/more valuable things to steal as a result. That could be games/goofy accessories or cash in the

This is the video I was expecting and new Kinja wouldn’t show.