
Can confirm, 296 is the number released in North America.

It’s a pork chop with onions and peppers on a bun. How's that look gross?

We may have worked together in the past!

Now playing

Apparently it was a tie-in with the movie Small Soldiers:

His ego won’t allow that, otherwise he would’ve fucked off years ago.

For the clicks and ad views, oh wait ad bloc browser!

company mandate


So you’re sniffing a scent while drinking your water? Just plop a lemon wedge in there? 

I didn’t know that the people who made BF1 left. That’s a total shame but explains a lot. BF2042 feels like what andromeda was, a triple/quad A game left to novice game developers. 

Back in the 90's they offered a sort of pita bread taco that I quite liked. I remember that it was topped with something called “broccoli slaw” but other than that I couldn’t tell you what was on it.

Feed me Popeye’s Buffet or feed me rocks.

This reminds me of the Rax lunch buffets. We were regulars in college as we could walk from our house. They lost money on our gang of hungry, hungover college guys! 

It would be unfortunate wonderful if his self driving Tesla became self aware, realizes who is inside it, and then decides to drive off the nearest cliff.

In season 2 only the hosts could see the rift and they ran through it over the uploader ring and fell off a cliff like Lemmings. I assumed they were going to do the same thing off the top of the dam. But I guess not.

About the only unprocessed astronomy photo you will find is this one:

Do you guys get incentivized to spoil shit for people? You couldn’t have titled this piece “Let’s talk about Stray’s ending”??? Why on earth do you have to add descriptors into that headline?? Honestly fuck this practice lol