
Microwave time, oven timer, and if a third item needs more precise timing, then it’s “Hey Siri: Set x-minute countdown.”

If you need me I’m gonna be over on the Reddits all day laughing at a bunch of dipshits losing their minds.

All of the Buzz Cola cans I got for The Simpsons movie are empty now. They used to be full, but somehow they all developed microscopic cracks that leaked them down my bookshelf.  Maybe they’re worth $1000 a piece now.

And also these are the cheapest beer varieties you can foist onto the public with $1BB in advertising money.

Doesn’t putting an olive in my martini already count?

I used to think plated meals seemed classier but after attending a wedding where I found out that I was now allergic to the egg in fresh pasta when my meal was pasta and getting mozzarella sticks on the way home from Burger King I now think a buffet would be the most flexible option. The people with non-vegetarian

I mean it literally says the guy’s disabled in the article

The Takeout seems to be mostly slideshows and lists these days.

Moderated, hmm?...

Yeah but you have a new specialist .. because everyone wanted MORE specialists ... right? RIGHT?!

This is literally all I want. Someone listen!!!

That could not have gone more perfectly!

Well, you got what you wanted, lol.

The line itself is def a big reason as to why some breweries choose 12oz over 16oz

The game is still in Beta, basically. 

Can’t wait for this game to release!

Damn. I can’t get out of the grays, but this awful transphobe can? WTF? Or is this just some deep satire on another level?

Any chance that hateful losers like “kyle james” here could be shown the door? I don’t know what mental illness compels him to spend time here, but perhaps he should be encouraged to go play outside.

he’s probably less concerned about the ~5% of fake users and more concerned about the number of living people who made it clear they will disappear once he lets Dipshit back on Twitter.  As always, fuck this guy, I hope the SEC forces him to go ahead with the sale under penalty of massive fines and it fails and drags

We’ve made the decision to delay the launches of Redfall and Starfield to the first half of 2023. Yer all just playing fuckin’ Elden Ring anyhow.