
Eating with chopsticks elevates any meal. Seriously!

R.I.P Hot Mustard. I hear it’s still available in some areas, but chicagoland hasn’t had it in YEARS. Makes me not even want mcnuggets. 

It’s massive. A huge downside imo.

Suddenly a skit I saw on SNL last weekend makes a whole lot more sense now.

Oh for sure - my friend who pulled off one of the recent Parler leak (apparently their security was a joke) is already planning to have some fun with this site.

Also worthy of note: His sentence about “cancel culture” makes no fucking sense. Logically, rhetorically, and grammatically, it’s a fucking mess.
Almost as if mf knows he doesn’t have jack shit of substance to say in defense of this shit.

I like the jokes but the show is basically a motion comic. That’s not a criticism and more of an observation. 

Now playing

This sort of thing seems to happen when the Ghostbusters are involved.
Except this time, it’s the Ghostbusters being ripped...

Oh, they do. Shell commissioned studies that showed quite clearly what effect continued fossil fuel burning would have on the Earth’s climate, back in the 70s.

That’s what I’ve never understood. Any company that gets established now will be the future Google/Microsoft/PG&E of renewable energy and yet these people are considered business geniuses.

That’s the flaw with the American Mode of capitalism that has poisoned the brains of world’s leaders: Quarterly profits for the shareholders above all other considerations including sustainability and future proofing the business.

Which is weird since investing now into renweable resources will make them billions in the future.”

I don’t think it’s so easy to generalize it. For me, at least, I break out the cheats when I find a game’s progression too tedious (read: most Dragon Quest games), when I want to test builds without using resources on my proper save (Dark Souls, Monster Hunter), or when I like the story but dislike the gameplay (most

What’s funny to me, in regards to Warzone at least, is just how little awareness cheaters will have.

As did I! They were kind enough to include Ichiban.

Ichiban is making friends with some large babies and their wet nurse. 

Oh they totally were! And I love that too.

I wonder how many of his followers will sign up to have all of their posts, videos, passwords and other personal information hacked within a month of launch? I’m betting this platform will have security holes that make Parler’s look small by comparison.

The ONLY road trip food.

while Spock is, uh... holding a cat.