
It’s the virgin reference for me. It kills me.

Your right, who would ever think to have them on the stage with them?

Resident Evil 2 for me this week! One of my most anticipated games of the year! I played the heck out of RE2 back in the late 90s.

Now playing

She’ll forever haunt my dreams when she turned into a sheep in Alice in Wonderland, and this song has stuck with me for years and will be with me til i die...

Dear Hollywood,

Now playing

Kaiju in daytime is fine, if you have the right upbeat musical accompaniments.

The scary part is that the homeless guy is the one in the middle. 

uh, I’m pretty sure that was a blind ass he hit him with

What the fuck is this fucking sentence? Jesus. “Say what you will about this guy who perpetuates ‘no girls allowed’ toxic masculinity in the alt-right redpill breeding ground and drops n-bombs with the weak-ass 90s-era ‘just singin’ along brah!’ excuse, he presses buttons good!” is a fucking idiotic take. A n-bomb is

Y’all Queda?


OMG it takes 3 seconds to loot a body. Man, people have NO PATIENCE anymore.

The man responsible has a pattern of this sort of behavior.

As you point out, it’s not a Nazi emblem. And as you point out, its presense does not in any way implicate the pilot, or the organization that maintained the plane, as Nazis.

Opening scene of Aquaman:

Tuesday was release day in North America and Friday was release day in other regions. It makes sense to release big story based games at the same time world wide in order to cut down on spoilers for people who used to have to wait.

I am looking forward to Red Dead Redemption 2.