
Not the first time someone fucked up at the US Open.

He’s got a point- I don’t see how a car hitting him in the head could make things much worse, either.

“Nothing can be done,” says only country where this regularly happens.

Now playing

She must be the daughter of Rex Kramer, Danger Seeker

  1. Mr Musk says something stupid on Twitter

There are tons of lost books, movies, and other forms of art that disappeared solely because it was illegal to make copies and the people responsible for them didn’t care and allowed them to be destroyed. It’s a travesty that we continue the trend, and have added video games to the garbage pile.

“I don’t feel so good,” mutters Corporal Peter Parker as he puts the whisky bottle he used to wash down the fentanyl on the coffee table in front of him. He has to self medicate because the Republicans have defunded the VA and the chronic pain and PTSD he suffers from isn’t getting treated.

This ended about the way you’d think it would.

Joe Shanghai is a tourist joke!!!!

It’s the Google Home’s startup sound.

I went googling for a Dumbo Bambie hybrid expecting the internet to fail me... I give you the glory that is Dumbie.

That’s been my approach for some time now. I actually make mine in cupcake tins so I get many small loaves, each with deliciously crunchy burnt bits. My wife thinks it’s to encourage healthy portion sizes. I let her continue to think such things!

A new Einhander would rule.

The Last of Us has the best ending of any game I’ve ever played, easy. And one of the best endings I’ve ever seen in just about any story (book, movie, or TV show) I can think of. (Which is one of the reasons I’m both excited for and really nervous about the sequel.)

Meanwhile, these same self-appointed neighborhood watch losers continue to get robbed blind by people they know. If there’s one characteristic that I would appoint to practically all white people is the inability to do proper risk assessment.