
Shut up, Grimey.

Are they a hedge fund? Those guys tend to ruin a lot of things (see Toys R Us et. al.)

In their defense, they had nothing to do with making BASEketball apart from acting in it.

You know he’s so out of touch he might actually try calling it MySpace.

He’ll probably call it “MyTwitter” and then freak out about cancel culture when he gets sued for trademark infringement.

Now playing

That boy needs therapy, psychosomatic, that boy needs therapy


That unit wouldn’t go upside down like the R360. Which required wearing a six point harness, and required a full-time attendant. Which was another reason there were so few of them. Only got a chance to ride one at Starcade at Disneyland.

Makes sense — they’ve all put YEARS of their lives into something that came down into a few minutes of footage, the suspense and then relief would be an unmatched emotional roller-coaster, undoubtedly.

No shrubbery?

Did not know that, thanks! 

This is all on Biglari.

Did i hear an orchestral remix of the 95 theme?

Have any of you guys actually watched a Whedon production?

It's interesting how this week's commercial implies that the people on the outskirts of town are wasting away towards death. Just as the kid stranded on the island can't open the yogurt and starves to death, the inactive people can't feed or care for themselves and are slowly dying.

So your main takeaway from her post is that she writes funny, not that there was some (at the least) creepy shit going on that they had to make a rule like that in the first place? She was like 14 years old.

anti-semitic, anti-BLM, anti-mask. she said Alderaan things.

So Marilyn Manson is exactly who he always seemed to be, except it’s not the 90s anymore and creepy narcissism is no longer a profound artistic statement about Puritanism or something, it’s just creepy narcissism. Antichrist go fuck yourself.

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Check out Steve1989MREInfo on youtube. He’s awesome. He buys MRE’s from previous wars and opens and eats (if safe) the contents. I watched one yesterday where he ate a bit of British emergency ration from the Second Boer War (1898-1902). He only ate the concentrated beef, not the chocolate powder. It’s wild how long