
Was the steering wheel locked too? I see plenty of OPEN YARD he could have steered into to avoid hitting the house.

Imagine having a life so boring you think the earth is flat.

“I think it is important to have a global free speech platform”

Just looks like the suspension is broken, which wouldn’t be a surprise.

Wouldn’t the reservations all be under the same name? Or is the Bot just generating random names?

Hilarious so many people bought this metal plated lemon.

Of course no mention from Elon of maternity/paternity leave, health care, day care, etc.

There are thousands of factories in China spewing god knows what into the air.

And Elon is one of the best humans I know”

One would think an ALPHA like Elon would have no problem with everyone knowing his opinions.

“actually be for a good reason.”

A good reason would be to pay music artist MORE.

“Big Rich Man Baby Era” is the history of all of mankind.

It will be full of Chinese spyware

“Mommy! Daddy! I can’t get my way! WAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!”

Funny you consider racism, homophobia, transphobia, and white nationalism “Ideals”.

Musk described existential issues where humans lack purpose”

One thing DC got right was letting people do their own versions of the IPs.

It was refreshing to see major characters killed off without a second thought in the Harley Quinn show.

And it works “98% of the time”!!

and 98% of the time, the FSD does exactly what it’s supposed to do.”