
Parents are to blame. Do more research.

I agree, but he is putting more money in the pockets of a racist piece of shit by buying that car.

You humans are a weird species.

Find the cameras. Smash them.

Early word from distributors was that the movie is highly uncommercial”

The Stock Market - one of humanity’s most pointless inventions.

Funny you’re defending the immature action of an obvious man-child.

I’ve been using Apple since 1983 and seen all their ad campaigns. This one takes the cake for absolute worst.

“I’m clumsy, so this is 100% my fault lol I still love the truck!”

Imagine having all the resources in the world to make sure your company is the best in quality, but you decide trolling on a social network you bought is way more important.

Most likely meant to say “They don’t have ACCESS to computers.”

Funny, right after I read this my friend posted a picture of a Cybertruck he just saw parked halfway ON the curb and covered in fingerprints.

It would be a shame if those monkeys escaped their cages during a visit by Elon and he got his face and genitals ripped off.

I’m so happy I’m not one of these “humans”.

It’s critical that every one of us speak up when we see something that may not look right, or that needs attention.....So then we can identify and make sure you leave this Earth soon.”

It’s sad how many people were fooled by Elon.

Hilarious tech companies think we need another device to carry around that doesn’t nothing as good as the phone we already have.

What? Fraud in crypto? No way!

Why would the same Apes that been around since humans have talked, be shocked at a talking human?

A true god dose would kill that stupid ego of his.

He’s prob eating a 5 mg gummy and freaking out.