
Why have none of these types of things happened to my wife or daughter? Are they simply so ugly that no one would bother doing any of the things described in this post? Or do the women who post these sorts of things on this website all just live in shitholes where this sort of behavior is common?

You could try this obscure website called Google...

I don’t know where they are, but I can tell you where they’ll never be...on either side of most of the Deadspin bloggers’ heads!

I don’t know. I could see a lot of dumb broads dropping their panties for this car. Probably worth close to that price, if you like pussy.

Using the words “cunty” and “basketball” is redundant. Also, I almost el-oh-eled when I read “this kid would be in deep fuckin’ trouble in the Chicago Public League”!

Typical Millennial whining. You didn’t get your way, now the whole world is coming to an end. Lighten up Francis. You’ll survive.

By “city boy” do you mean “pussy”?

I don’t know any of those people other than Chaz Bono.

Everything Clinton didn’t do in Michigan? That’s summed up in one word.

I’m more pissed that all you wet behind the ears whipper snappers keep insisting on using the dumb word anime instead of calling it what we called it...Japanimation.

I would suspect a large number of people posting comments regarding this situation wouldn’t care about this dude if he hadn’t decided he was a girl.

You can’t stab somebody with a goalie skate. Come to think of it, you can’t really stab anyone with any modern skate. You COULD slash at them with it though.

I would like you a lot more if you weren’t a pussy.

Just sneeze on Price and give him the flu again. That’ll put him down for a few more months.

The average Deadspin reader would probably die from being hit with a blocker, but any hockey player, especially an NHL calibre player, isn’t going to be hurt much by that.

Hockey doesn’t need enforcers anymore. Sorry Don.

Didn’t look like he was holding him down to me. But then, it didn’t look like he was really doing that great a job dragging him away either.

Don’t be an idiot. A goalie blocker is nothing like a pair of brass knuckles.

It isn’t like that at all. Perhaps you should investigate the terms “acute” and “chronic”. That is, an actual definition of the word “chronic”, not the slang meaning.