
Uh, what?

I don’t think you know what the word “genocide” means.

Or this is what happens when you skate around, just earning your easy ref money, not making the necessary calls from the start of the game that leads to things getting out of hand.

They’re a typically short collection of songs that bands or other performing musical types hand out to garner interest in their work.

Well then. Since apparently this wasn’t a mass shooting, but rather an attack with several other objects, are we going to be banning vehicles and butcher knives now?

Pardon me. You’re getting your Gawker all over my Kotaku....

Or, you know....just people who didn’t like either candidate and chose what they viewed as the lesser of two evils.

Or maybe we just don’t know all the rules of physics.

Jost is simply stating facts.

I’d play if I could. But I have a rooted phone, so no dice.

So, am I supposed to be selective about which Pokemon I capture, or capture as many Pokemon as I can?

Wow. Ashley, I may not agree with your politics, but I certainly wouldn’t call you all these names. But if I did, I would use proper grammar and spelling to do so.

Oh. The astrophysicist guy again. Tell me Famous Astrophysicist Guy, have you ever been to the other side of the universe or even the galaxy to make direct observations and know exactly how things work over there?

A proportion based on population is still better than no say at all.

Can we please just state and agree that our country’s founding fathers were significantly more intelligent than the vast majority of Millennials who are going to post “durr...get rid of teh electorial cottage now we dont need ne1 else 4 votes 2 count lol!!!111!”?

Well, it might be what they TRY to do, but the electoral college makes sure the system doesn’t work like that. Every state has electoral votes that count, therefore, they’re all valuable. Now, you can make the argument that too many states have a historical slant to go with the same party election after election no

Gee. You think then maybe the folks in those states should start maybe thinking about doing something different?

So the fine citizens of Montana for example can just go fuck themselves because who give a fuck about their votes? All we need is to win over everyone in New York City, Chicago, Philadelphia, and a few other big cities. Suburban and rural citizens? SUCK DICK.

Right. Ok. So, to win the popular vote, all a Presidential candidate has to do is pander to the top what....ten most populace cities in the country, and everyone else can go fuck themselves?

So Trump maybe banged a Playmate? And not just any Playmate, but a Playmate of the Year? How is this a negative? Who are you to judge what sort of relationship and agreement Trump has with his wife?